chapter 12

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I am right now driving towards to my mansion where the rest of the members have kept that man I am not going to leave him how dare he escaped from me and on the top of that he hurt y/n she had nothing to do with all this but still she got hurt because of me . I am going teach him a good lesson today.

I don't know what's happening to me why she is not leaving my mind I have just meet her three times but everytime I see her my heart go crazy and I got tingling feeling on my stomach I don't know what has gotten into me today when I see her in the grip of that man with a knife on her neck my heart get a pang I got so scared it's was like very different feeling I have never felt that before it was like I don't wanna lose her and want to save her at any cost. Her beautiful doe eyes which always glisten were shedding tears seeing her crying my blood was boiling so much.

And when she take my name I got so lost she screamed and cried to me to save her.I feel so different that time I want to save her at any price even if it takes my life it was such a different feeling that I got towards her only.

Now I reached my mansion it's my own where only I live sometimes only I went directly to the basement there I see all the members were there and that fucking bastard was there in one of the dark room tied up to a pole in the middle of the room.

"You came jungkook how's she now " Jin hyung ask

"She is fine now hyung i have drop her at her house " I replied to him and he nodded.

"Okay then I will go home now and hyung take a good care of him " I said to hyung and about to go but joonie hyung stop me.

"Wait kook jin and me will also come with you " Joonie hyung said as I thought maybe they want to meet mom and dad I nodded and we left.

We reach at our house and i straight went to my room to get freshen up.

"Hey mom dad how are you " Jin said to jungkook parents sitting in the living room.

"We are good sweetie what about you both and the other boys "mrs jeon asked to jin and rm.

"We all are good mom and how's your wounds now " Namjoon asked mrs jeon

"I am all good joon" Mrs jeon replied

"So how's the mission boys " Mr jeon asked jin and namjoon .

"It was good dad we caught that man earlier when we catched him he ran but we have again caught him " Namjoon explained Mr jeon.

"Ohh that's good boys I am proud of you all " Mr jeon said passing them a proud smile which they gladly return.

"Mom dad we came to give to details about y/n which we collected in the last two days as you said to do " Namjoon began.

"Ohh you found out how is she living she she living all good " Mrs jeon asked worries are shown on her face.

"I am sorry to tell you both this but her life is so miserable "Namjoon said to Mr and Mrs jeon as they both got worried listening to the others words.

"What do you mean Namjoon " Mr jeon asked .

"Let tell you " Jin told as all now focus on his words carefully.

"Actually the thing is that after y/n parents death she starting living with her aunt and uncle her uncle works in a company due to which he is almost stay out of the city so she live with her aunt alone all the time her aunt doesn't treats her well she beats her make her do all the house works and even she is not letting her study so now she has to do part time job for her expenses and the worst is she didn't gave her food for days and her aunt daily came back drunk at home and beats her so much " Jin explained all the things to Mr and Mrs jeon they both also felt bad when they got to know about all this because they already know now who her father was. After listening to all this Mr and Mrs jeon has now tears in their eyes.

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