chapter 33

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Next day:

Jungkook and y/n had their daily routine with jk doing his workout and getting dressed afterwards for his office not before admiring his sleeping wife and same with y/n she also get ready for her uni and make breakfast for both of them.

After having breakfast they both went towards their respective work office /uni as always biding each other goodbye with jk as always kissing her forehead lovingly and y/n kissed her cheek while shyly smiling at her husband.

(Y/n outfit)

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(Y/n outfit)

At jungkook office :

Jk came to his company and went towards his personal elevator which is only used by jk, his hyungs, unnie and his parents only and pressed the top floor button to his cabin. After the elevator came to a stop on the top floor and got inside his cabin and started working on some files.

After continuously working for straight three hours without any disturbance finally someone decided to break his peaceful work time and they were not other than his hyungs who came inside his cabin.

They all got settled after greeting each other and started talking with each other about some business related issues as well as their mafia related things which needs to be done and not. After sometime of discussing things they all were about to talk about the matter which they were here for discussing but before they can start speaking tae phone ringed he picked up the phone and talked with the person on the other side of the phone. After disconnecting the call he looked at jungkook and said.

"Kook Mr choi is here to meet you..... He is waiting in the waiting cabin for now " Tae said to jungkook who frowned cause they just had a meeting some days ago and as far as he remember they don't have meeting any time soon.

"Hmm ok tell someone to bring him here " Jungkook said and tae nodded before again called someone and tell them to escort Mr choi to kooks cabin and disconnect the call.

After some minutes they heard the knock on the door kook stood up from the couch where he was sitting with his hyungs and went towards his chair and sat on it with bringing on his cold demeanour along with his hyungs who also pulled up their cold and stern faces and after they all adjust Jungkook said come in in his deep cold voice.

And door opened revealing Mr choi and one of the workers in the office who bowed to all of her bosses and went from there after she was told to and as for Mr choi he came forward towards Jungkook desk and bring out his hand to shake it with Jungkook as a gesture of greetings.

"Hello Mr jeon " Mr choi said and handshake with Jungkook who also greet him back and told him to get settled on the chair in front of him after he greeted all other members too.

"Yes Mr choi.... So whats the reason of sudden visit anything special " Jungkook asked in his cold voice making Mr choi to squirm a little in his seat because of the dominating aura of the other.

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