chapter 26

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Jungkook came to his company he parked his car and went inside the building he saw that his previous secretary mia is now on the front desk because he has changed her position here. He didn't glance at her again and got in the lift and went to his office.

He sat down in his chair and started working after sometime he heard a knock on his door he gave permission to the person to come in. A young man came in the office and greeted jungkook.

"Good morning boss " The person said and bowed towards jungkook.

"Yes Yeonjun come sit and how many times I have tell you call me hyung and dont bow next time or I will surely smack your head " Jk  said to Yeonjun he works with them With their group called txt and there is one other group also exo these both group members are the trusted one and they always help jungkook whenever he needs them. They are also like his other brothers.

"Ok hyung....why did you called me" Yeonjun said with a soft smile on his face he admire jungkook so much not only him but others also jungkook also takes care of them and he helped them all in their hard time since then they all promise themselves to always stay loyal to him.

"Hmm so i need your help in a work and this must stay between just both of us for now " Jungkook said to him as he nods understanding everything jungkook is saying.

"So i need you find some details about this number " Jungkook said to him and give him the number from which he got a message and Yeonjun take that.

"Ok hyung i will tell once I find anything " Yeonjun said smiling at jungkook and stands up with him jk also got from his seat and caress his hairs and smile at him a little.

After that yeonjun went out and jungkook went to his meeting.


It's break time now and y/n is making her way towards the cafeteria to meet her new friend dolly. She came inside the cafeteria and start searching for dolly untill she heard her name called from somewhere she looked at the direction and saw dolly sitting at the corner table and waving at her. She smiles and start walking there. She got there and sit opposite to dolly.

"Hey y/n how was your classes " Dolly asked to y/n with a exciting voice and y/n smiled at her playful and energetic tone.

"That was good dolly i enjoyed it " Y/n said with a smile as dolly also smile to her.

"Ok let's eat now I am so hungry " Dolly said in a whining tone and y/n chuckled at her and nod her head.

Then they bring their order and start eating while talking randomly about many things while laughing and smiling with each other. They also got to know about each other.

Dolly is from middle class family and very shy from nature. She lives here with her father who most of the time stay out of the town and because of that dolly stay alone in her house, her mom died when she was 4 years old so her father have taken care of her till now with so much love and she loves her father so much.

After talking about more things the bell ring and they both decided to head towards their remaining classes so they got up and went to their respective classes.

After some hours there classes came to end y/n came out of her class and start walking towards the college gate to go home there she meet dolly waiting for her she go towards her after seeing dolly waving towards her direction.

"Hii dolly are you going home " Y/n asked to dolly going towards her.

"Yess i was just waiting for you " Dolly said giving her big smile to y/n who also smile back to her.

"Ohhh then let's go I will drop you " Y/n said to Dolly but she denied politely.

"Ohh no no I don't live far away I will just walk till there " Dolly said to y/n as she already know that her driver will come to pick her up as when y/n told her about herself she also told her about her marriage but she didn't told that she is married to jungkook the biggest mafia and business tycoon of the whole Asia.

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