chapter 11

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It's been two days since y/n went to jeon mansion her uncle had already been back to house and now her aunt also didn't drink at night she is now at her university after taking her classes she now heading towards the cafe for her job .

Today is quite nice day because today I didn't get scolding as well beating from my aunt and right now I am walking on the street towards the cafe I am already working here now for 3 days and i really enjoy working there the aunt there is so sweet and kind she always take care of her workers Even it's just three days me start working here I feel good here away from my aunt. I really wish if now my parents were with me i will be so much happy. I will go out with them on weekends like other children's go with their we will celebrate my birthday together eating, chilling, laughing, and playing together but now it's not gonna be happen it will always stay a dream to me nothing will change in my life.

Now I am in front of the cafe and get inside today was not so much customers in the cafe I got to the kitchen and meet aunt greeted her with a small smile which she returned back with big smile and told me to change my coat and put an apron and a cap and after changing I went to the counter. After some time a customer came to the cafe he seems quite strange as if he was hiding from someone he was wearing black clothes with a mask and he was sweating a lot as he has recently run a marathon .

He took a seat and sat there while talking on a phone i walk towards him to take his order.

"Hello sir good afternoon " I said after reaching in front of his table he was now not on his phone but he didn't looked at me instead he was looking at door and just hummed for response.

"What do you want to take sir " I asked him once again but still his attention was on the door .

"I want noth..i.. " As he was saying something suddenly the door open bursted and three boys entered inside and man freaked out seeing those man he stand up from his seat and grab my hands and put a knife on my neck.

It takes me almost 5 minutes to realized what just happen he was dragging out of the cafe after realizing what is happening I started to scream and some tears escaped my eyes and my eyes shut close in fear.

"W-what a-are you d-doing l-leave me " I said still in that man's grip trying to get out of his grip but it was of no use but suddenly I hear a familiar name and i opened my eyes instantly.

"Don't came near me jk or else I will this innocent girl and you also don't want this to happen right " The man said moving backward from those three man and when I opened my eyes I saw the faces of those three man they were non other than bangtan jk, tae and suga as I saw them I started to crying and yelling more.

"H-help me-ee j-jung-kook p- please " I said between my cries and hiccups but it get more worst.

"Jk stay away and let me go otherwise you know very well what I can do and it seems like she knows you " The man said smirking and remove the knife from my throat and take my hand make a cut on my arm I screamed because of the pain and that is when jungkook spoke.

"Okay okay we will not do anything to you and let you but first leave this girl she had nothing to do with all this " Jungkook said with rage and anger in his tone.

And after hearing it that man push me ahead as I slipped and landed on floor as I twisted my ankle also and that man ran away from there but his luck was not good as rest of the bangtan boys came and catch him and bring him back to where we were before.

"You bastard how dare you hurt her " Jk said and punch him on his face multiple times while repeating the same line.

"L-leave me p-please " That man said but of no use.

"Hyung take him and i will came there after some time " Jk said and after that all other members left with that man and i was still on the ground crying in pain.

"Are you ok " Jungkook asked softly and help me to get up.

"Y-yes t-thank you f-for h-help " I said looking down not meeting his gaze.

"I am sorry it's all because of me " He said still holding my hand and I am fully shocked by what he just said did the biggest mafia and business man said sorry to me.

"I-its ok " I said and slightly looked up at him and he was also looking at me and i again looked down at my feet.

"Ok then let's go to hospital to treat your wound after that i will take you to your home " He said carefully holding me and for some reason my heart was beating fast just by his hand touching mine just by his sweet voice.

"I-its ok i will go home and treat my wounds " I said

"No it's not okay I will take you to hospital and then take you to your home" He said again and this time with a serious tone and I gulped hard and nodded my head in agreement.

After carefully leading me the way he take me to his car and settle me on the passenger seat and he also got the driver seat and after buckling up he start off to hospital whole ride was silent and u didn't dare to spare a glance at him he is cold as always not a single change in his expression and here me and my heart which is beating like crazy I don't what happens suddenly I always feel like this whenever I meet him something different, different kind of sensations all over my body anyways leave it.

After getting to hospital I got treated and he payed all the bills I even try to denied but he is jeon jungkook who never listens and after that he take me to my house and drop me there and i say him a small thank you at which he just hummed and then left.


Hello guys how are you and i am sorry this time it got a little late actually it's because I was not getting a good idea about the story. I hope you all will like it.

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