chapter 6

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Jeon's mansion

Y/n "Omg this is jeons mansion means mafias mansion oh god why aunt called me here I don't want to see him again he is so scary what is he kill me to come to his house oh sorry this is not a house but huge mansion oh god what should I do should I ...

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"Omg this is jeons mansion means mafias mansion oh god why aunt called me here I don't want to see him again he is so scary what is he kill me to come to his house oh sorry this is not a house but huge mansion oh god what should I do should I go in or go back to home " I was talking to myself.

"I think I should go what will aunt think that after agreeing I didn't came I doesn't seem good and about Mr jeon sir he will not be home he has so many works to do right I should go in yes " After that I decided to go I reached a huge gate.

"Excuse me who are you and where are you going " The guard at the door asked there were 4 bodyguards also I gulped seeing guns in their hands.

"Hi I am y/n I am here to meet mrs jeon " I said to the guard.

"Sorry miss but you can't go in sir give us orders to not let any stranger inside " The guard said.

"But mrs jeon invited me here wait I will call her " I said and take my phone out of my bag and called mrs jeon.

Mrs jeon didn't answered the call at first but I tried again and this time pick up the phone.


"Hello aunt I am outside your house but guards here are not letting me in"I said to aunt .

"Oh sorry y/n dear I was in the kitchen I didn't pick the phone and you wait there I will came out to pick you "she said and cutted the call.

After 5 mins aunt came and told guards to let me in and I got inside a huge mansion and seeing it my mouth was wide open I was watching everything so admiring when I heard some laughing and I looked aside me mrs jeon was laughing seeing my reaction.

"Oh sorry aunt " I said looking down being embarrassed as my cheeks got red.

"Oh it's ok dear did you like it "aunt asked.

"It's beautiful aunt I have never seen such a beautiful house" I said being amazed seeing the mansion.

"Thank you dear cmon let's go in " Aunt said and we get inside the house towards living room there were two living room .

Living room 1

Living room 2

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Living room 2

Oh god it's all so beautiful I was again seeing all the things there like a lost puppy when I heard aunt calling me

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Oh god it's all so beautiful I was again seeing all the things there like a lost puppy when I heard aunt calling me.

"Y/n dear come let's sit here " Aunt said and we both settled on a couch it was so comforting like I sit on soft feathers.

"Aunt how are you feeling now does it still hurt " I asked concerning .

"No dear I am fine now and thank you for your concern " Aunt said smiling sweetly and I also returned the smile.

"So dear what you will take tea , coffee, or something else " Aunt asked me.

"No aunt it's okay " I said shyly not to bother her.

"No dear you came here first time you can't say no " Aunt said to me.

"Ok aunt then I can have anything you like " I said and aunt told one of the maid to bring two cup of coffee.

After that me and aunt talk many things when a man approaches us. That man was at the same age of aunt I guess he is Mr jeon.

"Hey honey what are you doing and who is this young girl " That man asked aunt.

"Oh sweety she is the girl who saved me yesterday I invited her " Aunt told to him.

"Oh hello dear I am jeon jung ho and thank you for yesterday " Uncle said to me he is so sweet just like aunt.

"Hello uncle I am Lee y/n nice to meet you " I said smiling and bowing to him.

"You are so preety and beautiful dear " Uncle said and I blushed at his statement but thank god nobody see me blushing.

"Thank you uncle " I said smiling towards him and he also returned the smile.

"Btw dear you are lee right what's your father name " Uncle asked suddenly.

"My father name is lee sung ki " I said and uncle suddenly stand up from its seat as well aunt as I also got up with them.

Why did they suddenly get up like this did I said something wrong God will they just kill me now oh god what should I do now . I was thinking when suddenly aunt spoke.

"And dear what's your mother name " Aunt asked I again got sacred god why are they asking me about my parents and why there expression change.

"L-lee ae r-ri " I said stuttering as I am hella scared now but what got me surprised that aunt hug me suddenly and I saw uncle who is sad and a tear escaped from his eyes.

"W-what happened u-uncle a-aunt did I say something wrong " I asked still hugging aunt.

"No dear you said nothing wrong it was just we know your parents and we both got emotional because they were our close friends " Uncle said and I am still confused how my parents know them and friends with them.

"Yes dear your uncle is right " Aunt said breaking the hug.

"Ohh i-i didn't k-know about t-that" I said still wandering how my parents know them.

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