chapter 31

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A woman in her 40's is sitting on the sofa in living area of her house counting money and cursing in between not happy with the little amount of money which her husband gave her for her expenses but for her it's not enough she wants more and more money for which she can do anything.

She was busy in her work when she heard doorbell ring she hissed at inference but stood up anyway to open the door she gain hissed going towards door because of the continuous ringing of the bell. She walked fast and open the door to see many tall and buff mens standing there with their stoic faces. She got a little scared and asked.

"Yes who are you all and what you want "the woman asked confused as they all were staring her with their cold eyes.

The tall and bulky mans didn't said anything and just barged inside the house leaving her dumbfounded at her door step. She came out of her shocked state and followed them inside the house only to be get more shocked cause they were searching for something in the house making the woman confused. After searching everywhere one man came towards woman.

"We want this girl and we get information that she lived with her aunt who is you " The man said and showed her the picture of the girl they are searching for. The women saw the photo and her eyes get wide after seeing who the girl is and it was y/n.

"W-what... W-who is this girl. I-i don't know her " She asked stuttering badly cause she can't tell anyone what she did with her that's why they left their hometown but she is shocked who are these men and why they are searching for her.

"Don't lie to us we know your relation with her... We just want this girl just tell where is she.. Otherwise it won't be good for you and your family " The man again said in his cold voice getting impatient cause this is his last chance and if he didn't get find anything now his boss will surely kill him.

"I-i already said i-i don't know h-her " The women as in y/n aunt said getting scared when she saw anger building inside the man in front of her. The man looked behind him and signaled his guards something.

The guards came in front and hold her they tie her hands and blindfold her and starts going out of the house y/n aunt started screaming loudly which pissed off the man as he sighed and signalled his man to put a cloth in her mouth which he did and they put her in their car and drove off towards the location they get from their boss.


It's the next morning the jeon couple is sleeping in their room cuddling each other. Jungkook was first to wake up he opened his eyes slowly and look at his wife sleeping on his chest a hear warming smile came to his lips he admire her for sometime then wake her up. Y/n whined a little and turned her face to other side not wanting to get up just yet. Jungkook also don't want her to wake up seeing her sleeping peacefully but she have her college today so he again tried to wake her up.

"Y/n up you have college today " Jungkook said slowly caressing her cheeks y/n smiled at the gesture in her sleep and hummed jungkook keep caressing her cheeks and hair. After some minutes y/n opened her eyes slowly and looked up at her husband who is also looking at her back. She blushed and hide her face in his chest feeling shy. Jungkook chuckled at her action.

"Good morning my little wifey " Jungkook greet her still caressing her hairs y/n looked up and smiled at him.

"Good morning koo " Y/n greeted back with a smile still cuddling with her husband feeling comfort in his arms. Jungkook looked at her with raised eyebrows on the nickname.

"Wow a nickname for me " Jungkook said feeling happy having a nickname from his wife.

"Yess did you like it....... Can i call you that? " Y/n asked a little hesitant if he will like it or not. She looked up at jungkook with her big doe eyes.

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