chapter 22

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It's the after wedding party which is going to be held in one of the biggest and luxurious hotel in Seoul owned by non other than jeon's for new wedded couple. All guests have already arrived waiting for the couple to appear. Mr and Mrs jeon along with namjoon and jin are welcoming the guests . After some minutes mrs jeon asked namjoon about jungkook and y/n.

"Namjoon baby everyone is already here so inform jungkook that they have to come down in some time " Mrs jeon said to namjoon who nodded and left with jin upstairs in jungkook room where he is getting ready.

In Jungkook room :

Jungkook is standing in balcony all ready staring outside in deep thoughts. All other boys are inside dressing up as before they were busy dressing up jungkook he said that he doesn't need their help but they have pissed him to the point he had to give up and said yes and like that they dress up jungkook.

When he was in his thoughts rm and jin came inside the room to inform that they have to come down it's almost time for party to start they enter the room and saw the boys bickering with each other and jungkook is nowhere to be seen in the room.

"I am telling you I am looking the most handsome among us " Jimin said admiring himself in the mirror while flipping his hair back.

"Yahhh shut up shortie better joke next time it's not funny at all " Hobi said pissing him as jimin look towards him with angry pout.

"Yah hyung you can't say like this I am handsome " Jimin said with his cute angry face glaring at his hyung thinking he is looking dangerous making angry face .

"Yahhh can you both shut up please i am sleeping here can't you see " Yoongi said sleepily from the nearby couch. And everyone stared at him with their done face.

"Yoongi hyung now I believe why everyone call you grandpa you indeed are how can you sleep this much you know you are worse than grandpa's " Tae said dramatically sighing at his hyung who is sleeping on the couch. Suga looked at him angrily and was about to say something when he notice two more person in the room.

Namjoon and jin look at each other and sighed at their dramatic friends so they decided to stop their drama.

"Guys enough of your drama come on its time we have to go and where is jungkook " Jin asked to them as he look around the room again.

"He is at balcony hyung " Tae said to rm and jin as they went towards balcony to call the latter. They reach their and see Jungkook looking towards the sky thinking something deeply.

"Kook what happen you looking worried " Namjoon asked Jungkook who looked around to saw jin and Namjoon standing there.

"Nothing hyung thinking something " Jungkook said looking towards them with his straight face.

"Ohh okay if you want to share it you can with us okay and dont be worried about anything " Jin said while patting his shoulder Reassuringly.

"Nothing serious hyung I am fine " Jungkook said giving his hyung a small smile who returned it.

"Okay but feel free to tell us anything okay and come on its time to. " Namjoon said giving his dimple smile.

"Okay hyung let's go " Jungkook said and they all come back to the room where the all others were still there talking.

"Okay guys we first have to go to y/n's room " With that they all exit the room and start start walking towards different room in which y/n , somi, yuri are getting ready.

They reached the room and knocked on it and waited for someone to open it for them to enter.

In Y/n room :

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