chapter 7

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Jk pov :
I was in my office with my hyung working on our new mission as we discussing things about that man also whom we have caught yesterday.

"I and jinnie have take out the whole information about that man here it's in this file you were right he was sent by your enemy " Namjoon hyung and jin hyung said as they are best in getting information about any person.

"I already knew it hyung I will kill that bastard how did he even about getting in my company " I said gritting my teeth and fuming in anger.

"Not now jungkook we might get some information from him we need to keep him alive " Hobi hyung said and all other nodded as they were right also.

"Okay but jimin and tae hyung you both take care of him and don't let him escape at any cost " I said to them as they nodded.

We were all now talking about the mission we are going on after two days and we are making a plan for it . I told hobi hyung and suga hyung to trace that person location whom we need to get as they can track or hack any device and then I told jin hyung and joon hyung to get every single detail about him and his schedule then I told jimin and tae to get everything ready for our mission.

We have plan everything about our mission as we will get it complete like we always does.we were discussing things but got Interrupted by a phone call as I take my phone and see the caller id it was mom as I pick up the call.

"Hello son what are you doing " Mom asked me.

"Nothing mom just discussing something with hyung btw what happen why did you call " I asked mom

"Nothing baby it's just that today is sunday and your dad is also came today we want to have lunch together so if you are can you came home at lunch time."mom said as I have already finish all the work so I can go home early today.

"Yes sure mom I will came there at lunch time. " I said

"And also bring your all hyung with you they really need a scolding today bcz it's been a really long time since they came home okay " Mom said being a bit angry and sad.

"Okay mom I will bring them with me " I said and cut the call.

"What happen jungkook what was mom saying " Jin hyung asked and all of them also listen to me.

"Mom said you all need scolding for not coming home since it been many days " I said coldly as it is my nature and they all gulp hard.

"Really hyung mom said like that" Jimin said getting scared as they all also get scared because jungkook mom is like there mom also and she loves them like their own son.

"Yes jimin hyung and you all are coming with me now for lunch as mom said to bring you all " I said and they all noded and ready to go.

Y/n pov :
"Oh i-i didn't k-know anything about t-that " I said still wandering how my parents know them.

"We know dear we got a idea you probably should know about it because your don't want you to get hurt or he wants to keep you safe from this world " Uncle said still sobbing a little but I still don't get what he wants to say.

"U-uncle I don't u-understand what you are t-talking about " I said still with a confused face.

"Oh dear came here sit with me I will tell you then you will get what I want to say " Uncle said and I went to him sit beside him as he smiled a little.

"So me and your dad were very good or you can say best friends from childhood we went to same school and even same college we were very good friends and after our college when I get my dad's position of mafia he also started working with me as he was my most trusted man and we have work together all the time but then one day he died and her wife means your mom who was my wife best friend also died . We both were so broken that day as we both have lost our best friends and about you your father was so possesive over you and wants to protect you from these things that's why you don't know anything " Uncle told me every thing as felt tears in my eyes as I couldn't hold back thinking about my mom and dad as I cried and aunt immediately hugged me and she also cry along with me missing her friend.

"It's ok dear and we are sorry as we didn't know about your whereabouts and we also try to find you but we can't able to btw where are you living now " Aunt asked me.

"I am living with my aunt and uncle here in busan as they bring me here after my parents death and I stay with them only " I said

"Oh that's why we were not able to find you because you moved to busan " Uncle said

After that me and aunt went to her room as she showed me her and my mom's pic they have together and many pics of uncle and dad childhood and some pics were of all of them they have taken together.

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