chapter 35

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It was the next day y/n woke up and see there was no one beside her. She got up from the bed, did her morning routine, get ready for her uni and went downstairs in the kitchen to prepare breakfast as jungkook was still in his gym room.

After half an hour she was done making breakfast and was setting the table when she heard the footsteps coming she looked up at the stairs to see her hubby coming down all ready in suit to go to his company.

(Y/n outfit for her uni)

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(Y/n outfit for her uni)

(Y/n outfit for her uni)

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(Jungkook outfit)

Jungkook came down after getting ready and see y/n was setting the table. He went towards her and hug her putting his hands around her waist and y/n hands around his neck. He snuggled in her neck sniffing her natural baby scent making him feel calm.

"Good morning babygirl " Jungkook whispered near her ear sending shivers down her spine at his deep husky voice and kissed her ear afterwards.

"G-good morning hubby " Y/n greet him back and both pulled away from the hug. Both sat down on their chairs to have their breakfast and y/n served the food.

After eating breakfast they both get ready to leave but jungkook stopped her.

"Baby today we will go shopping in the evening.... We have a business party to attend tomorrow...and I want you to come with me " Jungkook said and look at y/n to see her getting a little nervous so he hold her hand and make her look at him.

"I know what you are thinking..... I will always be with you ok no need to get nervous.... Just remember that your hubby is always with you.... Ok.... And if you will feel uncomfortable you can always tell me we will leave the party right away..... And unnie and hyung will also be there " Jungkook said

Y/n looked at him wide glossy eyes he feel emotional that how without her saying a word he understand her every thought. She quickly hug him and snuggled in his chest.

"I love you so so much hubby " Y/n said suddenly and kissed him on his cheek standing on his tip toes.

"I love you more baby " Jungkook said and kissed her forehead after that they both went outside sat in their car and went towards their destination.

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