chapter 27

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After two weeks of their marriage the couple still didn't have any progress in their relationship. They are still stuck in their confused state of mind but what they doesn't know is how much their heart crave and need each other but as they say love is a very precious feeling for anyone it can make you the strongest person in the world if you believe in your love and also the weakest if you think it as your weakness it depends on the person's Presecptive in seeing it.

It is Friday today and y/n along with yuri and soha decided to go shopping after her college at first y/n didn't agreed because she is just so depressed from some days because of the new feelings and emotions which is capturing her whole mind and heart and she can't seem to understand what all this actually meant but she love this feeling so much she likes when her heart start beating fast whenever jungkook is around she like when he always stare at her secretly yes she have noticed it sometimes she likes being around him making her feel safe.

Now y/n is getting ready for her college and she decided to ask jungkook about shopping at breakfast because last night he came late as always and she was slept till then so she decided to ask now. After getting ready she decided to make breakfast so she went in kitchen and start preparing food. After sometime she was almost done when she saw jungkook coming down all ready for office he came and set on the dining table scrolling through his phone after some minutes y/n was done with breakfast so she came and started setting the table she served for both of them jungkook also put his phone down when he saw y/n coming from kitchen. Y/n sat down on chair after serving.

Y/n looked at jungkook and see he is quietly eating with all his attention on food she smiled a little because jungkook looked so cute like a bunny baby while eating she then stopped admiring him and thinks to ask jungkook about shopping now.

"Umm jungkookie " Y/n called him and he looked towards her when he heard her calling his name.

"Yess ? " Jungkook said as he look towards her leaving his food he saw y/n is looking down on her plate and rubbing her hands together he understand that she is nervous and wants to say something.

"Umm yuri unnie and soha unnie asked me to go shopping with them c-can i go " Y/n said still looking down as she don't know how jungkook will react to this. Jungkook saw that how nervous she looks and doesn't like that she feels nervous to ask anything from him so he decides to talk softly with her.

"Yes you can go y/n " Jungkook said in his extra soft voice and as he said this y/n looked up at him with her now sparkling eyes and a cute wide smile on her face jungkook was just got lost in those sparkling eyes which are glowing more than the moon and the wide smile which shines more than the sun.

"Really " Y/n asked in a excited voice and she smiled even more when jungkook nodded at her.

"Y/n you don't have to take my permission to go somewhere or to do anything you just inform me so that i will not get worried okay " Jungkook asked softly to her and y/n she feels butterflies in her stomach and her heart starts beating when she heard that jungkook care for him she just loved the feeling so much. And y/n nodded at jungkook with a big smile on her face.

After that they both eat their food in silence jungkook is thinking about the unknown person who send message to him before because today yeonjun called him and said he is coming to office today to give the information he collected and y/n is also in her own thoughts thinking about jungkook only like this they finished their breakfast now y/n went to their room to bring their bags she came down and give jungkook his bag who took it and y/n started heading outside but jungkook stopped her.

"Y/n " Jungkook called her listening her name y/n stopped walking and turned around to see jungkook coming towards he came near her and stopped right in front of her he pulled out something from his pocket and extend his hand towards y/n and said.

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