chapter 13

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Y/n is now in her room laying on her bed thinking about someone or you can say specific someone and that is none other than jungkook she is reminding all the incidents that took place just some hours ago .

I literally can't believe all this happened today that man was really bad what if something really happens to me he was such a psycho thank god there was jungkook and other members and they helped me otherwise I don't think I will be still alive that was so scary when he put knife God I was scared to death. But jungkook saved me and today I called him by his name..... I REALLY CALL HIM BY HIS NAME. What if he didn't liked me calling him by his name God made him forget about it. And after that he also take me to the hospital in his own car I can't really believe all this happen and he also payed the bill i denied it but he is jeon jungkook who never listens to anyone.

I am feeling happy today but i dont know why I should be sad at what happens today but i am not instead I am feeling euphoric the moment he take my hand to help me to stand god I was feeling shiver ran down my all body my warm hands in his cold one was a really good feeling and not to mention the sudden heat rush through my body to my cheeks making my whole face looks like a red tomato but thank god he haven't notice it otherwise it would be so embarrassing.

With the thoughts of all these things about hundred times I get into a deep sleep.


I get up from beauty sleep pretty early today and went to washroom to do my morning routine after that i went downstairs to make breakfast for me and my aunt as uncle again went out of town for some work. After making breakfast I put it on the table as the door of my aunts room clicked open and she came towards the dining table.

"g-good morning a-aunt " I said after seeing her walking towards the table and she just hummed in response.

"Y/n get ready after breakfast we are going out and yes I have bought a dress for you wear that it's in my room take it after having breakfast " Aunt said while having breakfast and she was speaking in a soft tone to me for the first time in my life which I can't believe I thought she might get changed as I start working now.

"O-okay aunt b-but where are we g-going " I asked a bit hesitant as what if she will again scold me for asking questions to her.

"We are going in a party " Aunt replied simply as I was a bit confused that why is she taking me with her when she never take me out or even allow me to go out with my friends as I have never went out so why today and what type of party is this I have so many questions but i can't ask.

After having breakfast I went to my aunts room and she give me a bag probably the dress will be inside it and after taking the bag i went upstairs and quickly take a shower and open the bag to wear the dress but i got shocked and my eyes went wide after seeing the dress.

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(You can assume any of these dresses )

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(You can assume any of these dresses )

I pick the dress in my hands and my eyes are still wide what type of dress is this I have never wear such type of clothes I can't wear this dress it's so revealing oh god what should I do now aunt will definitely scold me if I will not wear this dress what to do now.
I was still thinking about any possible way through which I don't have to wear this dress but i flinch when I heard a knock on the door as I know who is it so i left the dress on the bed and went towards the door to open it .

"Y/n you are not ready yet " Aunt shouted at me when she saw me still in bathrobe.

"A-aunt that d-dress is so revealling i can't w-wear that " I said shuttering and scared of her reaction.

"YOU HAVE TO WEAR THAT DRESS NO MATTER WHAT DID YOU UNDERSTAND " Aunt shouted so loudly at me as anger was clearly visible on her face.

"B-but.. " I was not able to speak further as a sudden pain felt on my right cheek as tears brimmed in my eyes due to the slap I just got.

"Don't dare to talk back to me again and obey what I said now be fast and wear that dress " With that my aunt got downstairs and having no choice after that i wore that dress and have my hairs open as it will cover my back and shoulders a bit and after that i got down where my aunt was waiting and without any word we both get into a car which probably my aunt would have booked and we went off to the venue where the party must have held.

After sometime we finally reached our destination as we got off the car and i was again got shocked to see the venue it was a big mansion in front of us and many bodyguards were standing at the door maybe because of the security and still with my wide eyes I take my steps forward behind my aunt and we got in the mansion after my aunt give them a card and we got into one of the room in that mansion maybe because there was still time left till the party get start that was what I think and after getting in the room my aunt start speaking.

"So y/n listen to me now you have to behave properly there and yes if somebody ask you something you don't need to open that filthy mouth of yours and later you will go with someone else as from today you are going to live with him behave in front of him and do whatever he say understand whatever means whatever okay " My aunt told me as I got confused why I am going to live with someone else.

"B-but why i-i have to l-live with s-someone else " I asked nervously and heart is beating so fastly and I am getting negative vibes.

"Because he is your master from now and you have to obey him " My aunt said and again some tears left my eyes.

"I d_di-nt und-erstand " These are the only words that left my mouth.

"Because I sold you to him and now he is your master and I got freedom from a bitch like you and I will live in peace from now and obey him get that in your mind and do whatever is asks you to " After listening to those words from my aunts mouth I got froze as my mind went blank listening the words that she sold me and more tears left my eyes.

"Now don't start with your drama he is coming in ten minutes so stop all this drama of yours and remember my words I got a lot of money from him " My aunt stated as she left the room after that and locked that from outside and I fell on my knees still processing the whole thing that just happened and I was fool to think that she changed in the morning.

What I will do now appa eomma help me please save me from all this please and I again start crying I got flinched when the door got open and my aunt walks in.

"Stop with all this drama and get up we have to get downstairs " She said and I got up knowing she will not change her decision and I wipe off my tears and made our way downstairs and I have my gaze down all the time. And I heard my aunt speaking to someone.

"So this is my niece y/n I hope you will like her " Said my aunt to the man sitting right in front of us on a big couch as he stands up and walks towards us and I got flinch when he put hi hand on my cheek as I feel disgusted by his touch I want to yank off his hand so badly but I can't he was about to take hold of my hand when we heard some gun shots as I look up with sudden shots.

"Jeon jungkook "


Hello guys I hope you all are good

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