chapter 18

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Finally I got the project now I am heading back to house we have to leave tomorrow morning and we still not decided about y/n i will talk to them after I got back. After 10 minutes I finally got back to home and went to the door and ring the door bell. After some minutes the door opened revealing y/n.

"Hey y/n where eomma aapa " I asked after getting in the house going towards living room.

"Uncle and aunty went to meet their friends they will be coming back in sometime " She said to me while looking down .

"Oh okay then I will get freshen up " I said she nodded and I walked towards my room after getting freshed I came back to living room and saw y/n watching movie so I decided to talk to her as we are going to get married we should speak a little with each other. So I went to her and sat on another sofa across her. After a complete silence of 10 minutes I decided to speak.

"Ummm y/n I wanted to ask you something " I said a little hesitant I don't know how to ask but I wanted to talk about this myself .

"Yes " She look towards me and replied and again look down she is so shy  I smiled seeing her.

"I wanted to ask that the decision you took about ummm marriage  I want to tell you that you don't have to do it forcefully umm you know you can change your decision if you are not ready " I told her and look at her and she also look towards me in my eyes for the first time.

"But this decision is my own and I have taken it after thinking and I don't want to change it. " She replied with while looking straight in my eyes and a smile on her face.

"But you don't even know me and my family better we just know each other for a week only " I said to her because I want to clear all things.

"I don't need to because aunt and uncle are so good and I believe them they will take good decision for me I trust them and their decision also . I feel like they are my own parents they give me so much love in just some days which I didn't get in years after my parents died. So I trust them and I trust you also " She said to me and again look down and here I am speechless and she trust me ohhhh my heart just melt after listening these words from her I was about to say something when the doorbell rang again.

"I will see I think uncle and aunt came " She said I nodded and went to open the door.

After some minutes eomma appa and y/n came to the living room and they sat on the sofa y/n went to kitchen to bring water for them and now all are settled in the living room.

"Eomma appa I wanted to talk about something and y/n please listen carefully ok " I said and they all nodded and I began.

"So now tomorrow we are going back to seoul so eomma appa y/n you all will go by flight and I will came by road ok " I said but eomma denied it and said.

"No baby only me and your appa will go by flight you both can came together you two are going to get married spend some time together " Eomma said and I didn't said anything just nodded because nobody can win her and y/n just blush a little.

"Ok eomma and I also wanted to talk about y/n uni so y/n you can continue your studies in seoul I have already talked to the principal and everything is settled " I said and she look towards me with wide eyes ohhhh gooodddd how beautiful she look with her wide doe eyes.

"I-its ok you didn't have to do that " She said looking down.

"Why not you need to complete your studies and only 4 months left for your graduation right " I said to her.

"Yes and thank you so much " She said and I just hummed after some more little talks I went to my room.


Next morning

I woke up and get ready and headed downstairs we all have our breakfast and ready to leave.

"Eomma appa be safe okay and call me when you reach " I said to eomma and appa.

"Yes baby you all also be safe and drive safely and when are others going to came " Eomma asked.

"Yes eomma and yuri and so ha already left few days ago and hyungs have some work so they will reach there by evening " I said to mom and she nodded and left with suga hyung as he is going to drop them at airport.

"Okay y/n we will also leave then are you ready you have taken all things right " I asked to y/n.

"Yes I have taken everything " She said and I nodded.

"Ok then let's go " I said and walked out of the house to my car and y/n followed me. I opened car door for her and she said thank you while getting in the seat with her pink cheeks. And I also got into the driver seat and we drove off .

The drive is totally silent nobody was speaking y/n is looking the view out of the window And jungkook is busy driving his whole focus is on road...... But not whole he sometime take a glance at the girl that is sitting beside her looking so preety her hairs moving with a flow of wind her eyes close and face relaxed somehow jungkook also feel relaxed seeing her. After driving for 2 hours jungkook decided to take some break so he stop the car at a small and cozy restaurant.

"Y/n " I called her but no reply I again called her but again no reply she has slept .

"Y/n get up y/n " I again call her and tap her cheek to wake her up and she wake up she rubbed her eyes cutely with her small fist and look here and there and asked and then she look towards me.

"I am sorry I slept umm did we reach " She asked to me.

"It's ok and no we have not reached yet we will take a break and eat something and we will again start ok " I said to her to which she nodded and we get out of the car and get in the restaurant .

We were welcomed by an old lady who welcomed us we order our food and sat down on a table and waited for our food.

"Do you want anything  else " I asked to y/n who shook her head but she doesn't look good she is shifting again again on her chair so I asked her again.

"Is anything wrong you can tell me " I asked her.

"Umm i-i need to u-use restroom "  She said looking down.

"Ohhh ok it's there go straight and then left " I told her and she stood up and thanks me and went there. After some minutes she came back and sit again now she seems good.till then our food also came. And we started eat and it's really tasty.

"Umm it's taste really good " She said while eating and look towards me with a smile.

"Yes it is did you like it " I asked her btw it was not actually necessary to ask her face tells all the answer she is just like open book anybody can see her reactions.

"I love it " She said and smiled and again start eating. After we both finished I went to the counter and paid for it and we came out of the restaurant I was walking but stopped when I doesn't feel y/n walking behind me so I look back and see.


Here she is standing at her spot and looking towards her right direction I also look there to see what so interesting there that she is looking there without blinking and what I see is ice cream stall and I smile seeing her reaction towards ice cream stall. I went to her and tapped her shoulder she flinched and look towards me.

"Let's go eat ice cream " I said to her and she shot her head up and her eyes shine after hearing ice cream .

"Really " She asked me and I nodded and believe me looks like a small child who got excited after getting a ice cream. And we walk towards the stall she took chocolate flavor and I took vanilla flavor and after finishing our ice cream we walk back to our car.

I start the car and drove off again and after an hour we reached home back to seoul.


Hey guys here is the new chapter I hope you all like it please vote and comment.

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