chapter 28

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Jungkook is in his office he is working on his laptop without taking a break he is checking the details of the shipment which is going to be here within this month and he wants to make sure everything goes well why not he is a damn mafia who rules not only Korea but the whole Asia and because of that he got a lot's of enemies who wants to take him down to reach his position but can they do it? Nah because we here is talking about THE JEON JUNGKOOK and he isn't no 1 in business and mafia for nothing he can take his enemies down in a blink.

It's almost evening and he is working non stop from the morning he didn't even eat on time sometimes and because of overworking and taking so much stress his health is getting weak and now also he is having a little headache but still he doesn't stop working and avoided it. Today yeonjun was about to come to give him details about the unknown messenger but they got some urgent work at their busan branch so they went there and will come after three days now  he wanted to keep yeonjun here only and send other members of their group to busan but he didn't want to be suspicious of them so decided to meet yeonjun after he come back now.

Some hours passed by and he is still working but suddenly stopped working when he remembered something so he called tae and told him to come to his office after some time he heard someone knocking he said the person to come inside in his cold voice and famous blank face and the door opened revealing taehyung who came in and bowed to jk and greet him.

"Good evening Mr jeon " Tae said bowing towards jk and looked up after that finding jk glaring at him coldly.

"How many time i have told you hyung don't call me Mr jeon and dont bow to me if you again do that i will tell eomma that you denied to come home at dinner with Yuri unnie " Jk said now with a mischievous smirk on his face and tae face expression turned into a horror one he was looking at jk shocked if jk tell this to mrs jeon she is gonna beat his ass for sure tae know she is very sweet and caring she always takes care of them she never differentiate between jk and all other boys she love all seven of them equally so when they don't visit her time to time she scolds them so much and they all also love her so much they all love her as their own mother and Mr jeon as their father.

"W-what kook don't you love me you want me to die so early haa " Tae said fake pouting at jk and playfully state to him and jk smile a little seeing his dramatic hyung.

"Hyung you are so dramatic btw I called you to know about the file about our busan project where is it " Jk asked tae again with famous poker face.

"Ohhh that one you didn't bring it to company it's at your home only " Tae said remembering that he didn't bring the file here.

"Ohh ok then I will go home early today I have to check that file and email some of the documents " Jk said to tae and tae nodded at him and went away to his office after biding goodbye.

After some minutes jk also left the building after packing his things and start driving towards his home he always prefer to drive himself other that keeping a driver he like driving so much.
After twenty minutes he reach home he came out of the car and give keys to one of the bodyguard to park his car as they all bow to him he just nodded his head and start walking to the front door and ring the door bell.

On the other hand y/n after coming back to her home she took a shower and decided to make his hubby's dinner and all the time the smile didn't left her face she is so happy and her heart filled with warmth knowing her true feelings for her husband she is now making jungkooks favorite food for dinner. She is  midway making food when she heard doorbell ring. She frowned and thought 'who it could be jungkook never come this early 'but still she went towards the front door and decided to open the door. She open the door and she had her eyes wide open seeing the person in front of her.

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