chapter 24

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Next day :

Morning came with sun shining in the sky, birds chirping setting on the trees, it's a beautiful early morning as jungkook wake up in his study room because he slept there while working till late night or you can say that work was just an excuse to get himself busy to divert his thoughts.

He get up from the couch and check time it was sharp 7 so he get up and thought to get ready and leave for company. He started walking towards his room. He got there and slowly open the door only to be meet with a beautiful site of his sleeping wife. He slowly started walking towards the bed. Y/n was sleeping while hugging a pillow. Her eyelashes beautifully resting on her cheekbones, with a cute pout on her face. She is looking like a fallen angel sleeping with sun rays kissing her face. Jungkook was just staring at her sleeping face without blinking admiring her wife.

"She is really looking like an angel " Jungkook whisper to himself still looking at her . He bend a little and put the of hair behind her ear and slowly crease her cheek. 'She has a soft skin like a baby and she also smell like a small baby' he thought while caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. But suddenly y/n hummed a little at the feeling of a warm hand touching her face and slowly leaned in the touch unknowingly in her sleep and with a sudden action of y/n jungkook came out of his daze. He take his hand back and scold himself.

"Yaah jungkook what are you doing you should do what you decide " He slowly scolded himself and go to bathroom for shower. After sometime he came back with a bathrobe on. Y/n was still sleeping so he slowly make his way towards his closet and get dressed up. He came out after wearing clothes and started drying his hair off and styled it. But suddenly his phone starts ringing he picks up his phone and start talking and failed to notice that because of the noise y/n woke up from her sleep. She sat on the bed still sleepy while rubbing her eyes with her small fist until then jungkook also have cutted the phone. She looked up at jungkook and saw him already dressed up.

"Good morning. A-are you going somewhere? " Y/n said in her small voice jungkook look towards her when he hear her talking.

"Yes I am going to office " Jungkook said again diverting his attention towards mirror.

"Ohh... I am sorry I should have woken up early... I should have make you breakfast.. I am really sorry " Y/n said in a small voice as she got up from bed panicking because now she is married and she have to take care of her husband.

"It's okay.. I will eat something in office . I will go now " Jungkook said to her as he start walking around the room grabbing his walet, phone and bag.

"No please give me ten minutes I will make something quick " Y/n said to her pouting because she was feeling bad to let her husband go without having breakfast.

Jungkook look at her and sighed seeing her pouting probably sad he just can't decline now so he agreed.

"Okay " Jungkook said looking at her who smiled at her thanked her. Y/n then went down to kitchen and start making something quickly. She finished it on time and bring it to jungkook who was waiting at the table.

"I am really sorry for today " Y/n again apologized to jungkook looking down who looked at her from the plate.

"It's okay you don't need to apologize " Jungkook said as she look at him and nodded cutely. Jungkook look at her face and his heart skip a beat. He quickly averted his gaze and start eating his breakfast after sometime he finished and get up to leave.

"Ahhh y/n the cleaning maid will be here at 9 okay and also if you need anything call me. I have saved my number in your phone. I will go now take care. " Jungkook said to her which y/n listened carefully and nodded her head.

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