chapter 23

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The after wedding party of the new couples is already over everyone enjoyed very much. Guests were also very happy and everyone was astonished with the luxurious decorations, food ,hall everything was expensive after all its the wedding reception of the most eligible bachelor of Korea jeon jungkook. Everything went very well in the party and guests have already left it's now the family Members that were left.

"Ahhh i am so tired I want to sleep " Yoongi said leaning on jimin's shoulder for support.

"Yaaah all you do is sleep don't you get tired of sleeping all the time " Jin said looking at him.

"No I love sleeping so much " Yoongi said as everyone laugh at him.

"Ok ok boys I know everyone is tired so we are going to home now ok " Mrs jeon said seeing everyone was tired and exhausted .

"Yes eomma let's go quickly " Hobi said leaning on mrs jeon shoulder as she patted his head lovingly and smile.

"Ok so jungkook y/n you both are going at your house and we all other are going at jeon mansion " Mrs jeon said as everyone nodded.

"Goodnight kookie y/n " Soha said to them as they are all ready to leave.

"Yahh unnie why are you saying goodnight to them it's not like they are going to sleep today " Jimin said smirking at both of them as y/n blushed looking down and jungkook started coughing hard and everyone laughed at their reaction.

"Ok ok dont tease them now see y/n is already looking like a tomato " Yuri said with a teasing smile.

"Ok now we should get going now c'mon everyone get in the cars it's already late "Mr jeon said smiling looking at his childrens.

Everyone get in the cars. Jungkook and y/n get in their car as they all drove off all others went to jeon mansion and y/n jungkook went to their new house which is gifted by Mr and Mrs jeon for the new couple. Their house ten minutes away from jeon mansion .

Jungkook was driving and y/n was sitting in the passenger seat looking out of the window in her own thoughts both are in their own thoughts but one thing is common both are thinking about each other. After some time they reached their as jungkook parked the car and got out then he went to y/n side and open the door for her as she also came out .

Y/n looks at their new house which is beautiful and quite big for the two people also.

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