Chapter 17

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Jungkook pov

It was such a long day today so much happened I am now in my room thinking about the incidents happen today I still can't believe that she is living with us now and a smile automatically make it's way to my face thinking about her she is really sweet and kind girl but so much happened with her still she behave kindly with everyone my thoughts got interrupted by a knock on my door. I got up and make my way to open the door thinking who will be at this time . I open the door just to see eomma and aapa there I open the door wide and let them in.

Eomma aapa you here at this hour what happened? I asked them as we all now settled on the bed.

"Yes baby everything is all right and i am so so happy " Eomma said smiling widely and aapa also smile seeing her so happy.

"What happened eomma why so happy " I asked confused what makes her so happy.

"I am happy because my son is going to get married " Eomma said super excited but she said her son is going to get married but her son is me so i am getting married I am so confused now.

"Your son? Who? Me? Married?" I asked her pointing towards me.

"Yes yes yes you or who else do you think is my son " She said to me i am still confused.

"Oh " This is it what came to my mind that time.

"Actually kook y/n is agreed to marry you she told us just after the dinner and we are so happy that she said yes she is really good girl kook and she will take good care of you she will be really good wife " This time aapa said to me and i agree with everything he just said she is really good girl and innocent also.

"I know aapa but why need to get married now she is totally safe now " I asked him as I agree to marry before because she wasn't safe but now she is going to live here safely.

"I know baby but when her aunt will get to know about all these she will again take her to that hell and i dont want that to happen and also she is just like the girl which I have dreamed of should be my daughter in law " Eomma said and y/n is really will be a good wife because she is not like other girls. Ohhhh gooddddd stopp why I am thinking about her so much.

"But eomma aapa you two haven't forced her right " I asked because I don't want her to forcefully marry me.

"Yes baby we haven't force her it's her own decision and she said she think about her decision a lot " Eomma giving me a reassuring smile.

"Okay then " Ohhh gosssh i dont know what to say more.

"What okay kook what about your decision " Appa asked me what should I say I can't say no they are looking so happy and i dont know but i don't just want to deny also I don't know is this warm feeling growing inside it feels so good thinking she will be mine only.

"Okay I will marry her " I said and in next second I can feel engulfed in a bone crashing hug by none other than my eomma she sometimes got so much excited like small babies and i instantly hug her back and smiled seeing her so happy. After that appa also hug me with a smile and i also hug him back.

"Kook she is so innocent and pure soul like her parents you don't know her parents are also like her very sweet and kind so be a good husband to her I know it will take sometime but just be patience and give your relationship a chance I know you didn't wanted to get married at first and I know the reason behind it well but just be good to each other and try to give each other a chance ok kook "   Appa said and i didn't know if I will be able to give our relationship a chance but I will surely try it's just I don't want her to got hurt because of me.

"Yes appa I will surely try my best" I said giving him a smile as they got happy for me.

"Ok baby we believe you now sleep it's getting late goodnight baby/kook " They greeted each other and with that his parents went to their room and jungkook to sleep while thinking about her.


Next morning

I woke up and got ready for meeting I have to complete this project today only because tomorrow we are going back to Seoul and thinking about that i have to talk with eomma and appa about y/n let's talk to them after I came back as it's a short meeting only just to finalise everything. Now I should go downstairs and have my breakfast.

I got downstairs everyone was already there eomma was in kitchen with y/n and appa sitting at dining table ready newspaper I go to him and greet him.

"Good morning appa " I said and he looks towards me and smile .

"Morning kook all ready for meeting " Appa said and i nodded with a small smile. Till then mom and y/n also came with breakfast and my eyes were only on y/n she is looking so pretty.

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( this is what she is wearing you can choose one)

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( this is what she is wearing you can choose one)

"Good morning baby " Eomma greeted me with a teasing smile I think she had noticed I was staring at her gosshhh it's so embarrassing now she will not leave any chance to tease me.

"Morning eomma " I cleared my throat and greet her back.

"Good morning y/n " I greet her also and she looked at me with her doe eyes oh gosh her eyes are just like a doll so preety shit shit shit what am I even thinking.

"Good morning " She greeted back and sit beside mom to have breakfast. But suddenly appa spoke .

"Y/n dear you are looking so preety isn't she kook " Aapa said looking towards me with a smirk gosh they are teasing me so  much .

"Yes " I said and look towards y/n and she is blushing ohh God she looks so preety when she blush I want to pinch her cheeks  aaaahhhh stop it jungkook what are you thinking.

She said thanks to appa and me and we then finish our breakfast and i got ready to go to office.

"Appa eomma I have something to talk after I came back in afternoon " I said to them as they are now in living room .

"Ok baby " Eomma said and we bid goodbye and i left for meeting.


Hey guys how are you all i hope you all are good so there's the new chapter I hope you all like that.

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