chapter 36

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After jungkook got to know what actually happened his anger has no control. He was looking so dangerous with his dark aura his eyes deep and cold his jaw clenching and his face showing extreme anger.

"Kook but how we will get to know where he take y/n " Jin said and his face also showing anger as they all were angry because of the fact that their loved one is danger.

"We will jin hyung....... Hobi hyung do you have your laptop with you right now " Jungkook asked with his little cold voice
as he calmed himself down cause whatever happens he never showed anger and disrespect to his hyungs and parents.

"Yes it is in my car..... I always keep it with me... Wait I ask my guard to bring it " Hobi said and called his guard and asked him to bring his laptop in one of the room of the same hotel where the whole party was going on as they came here when soha and yuri came to them.

After five minutes they heard a knock on the door jimin open the door and take the laptop from the guard and told him to leave which he did after bowing. Hobi took the laptop and asked jungkook what to do now.

"Hobi hyung can you track y/n location through her ring as her ring has a tracker fitted in it which I did when we choose our rings for marriage..... So that I can always be assure that she is all safe. " Jungkook said and all were impressed and happy that now they can save y/n.

Hobi typed something on his laptop keys furiously and after a minute he told them that they will get the exact location in five minutes till then jungkook told tae to make their mens ready. Tae did what he was told and made their mens ready.

After five minutes hobi told them the location and they all get out of the venue and get in their cars with their mens behind them in their car. The place was about half and hour away from where they were now. It was outside the city.
After half and hour they reach at the place it was a small farm house in a forest area which is little away from the main city of seoul and the whole area was so silent. They start moving ahead towards the farmhouse with conscious steps there was not much security there just few mens outside which were nothing to jungkook and his team and even his guards were enough to take them down and they did as they quickly take them down with their amazing fighting skills. And after clearing the entrance they moved inside the farmhouse.

(Mingyu's farmhouse)

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(Mingyu's farmhouse)


Y/n get her consciousness and slowly opened her eyes she saw around her and found her in a dark room. She saw she was tied to a chair she started remembering what happened at the party and her eyes filled with tears and down to her cheeks. She is feeling so scared cause mingyu was psycho she just wants to be with her hubby and remembering her husband she started crying more but couldn't do anything as her hands, legs were tied up even her mouth now she can not even ask for help.

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