chapter 8

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Y/n pov :

Right now me and aunt are in kitchen making food for lunch as she and uncle insisted me to have lunch with them I try to deny but the really told me to have lunch together so I finally accept it now we are makin so much delicious dishes for lunch.

As we were making the food we heard a doorbell and aunt told me that her hands are dirty so she asked me to open the door

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As we were making the food we heard a doorbell and aunt told me that her hands are dirty so she asked me to open the door.

"Y/n baby can you please open the door my hands are dirty " Aunt said showing me her hands.

"Sure aunt I will open the door " I said and walked towards the door to open it .

I soon open the door and the scene in front of me make me stand still on my place I forgot about everything and my legs started trembling. I saw the most dangerous mafia group bangtan is standing at the door as I remembered now it's jungkook the mafia King's house I was still standing there holding my breath looking at them without blinking my eyes.

I came out of my thoughts when one of them speak

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I came out of my thoughts when one of them speak.

"Hey beautiful who are you " Jimin asked to me obviously I know there names and who don't they are so popular in the whole world and he is asking me my name my mouth is not uttering a single word oh god what if they will kill me for getting into their house oh god please save me.

I again came out of my thoughts when he again speak.

"Excuse me are you okay " He again asked while smiling towards me.

"Huh?Y-yes i-i am o-okay " I said looking down I am not able to face them god they are so scary .

"Then what's your name pretty " He again asked me as I am still looking down.

"M-my n-name is l-lee y-y/n sir " I said while stuttering as I can't help but I always stutter  whenever I got scared or nervous.

"What are you doing here y/n "another man speaks  as I look up in the direction to see taehyung is speaking the same guy who dropped me at my home yesterday.
As I again start looking down as they are starting towards me.

I was going to speak but I voice Interrupted us I look behind me to see aunt standing beside me. I let out a sigh looking at her.

"I invited her here to treat her for helping me yesterday " Aunt said as all of them nodded.

"Btw how are you mom tae hyung told you got into an accident yesterday " Jimin asked coming towards aunt to hug her but aunt held her ear and pinch him making him yelp in pain I looked towards them with shocked eyes that oh my god aunt how can she pinch her ear he is a mafia but then I thought he call her mom.

"You brat you all need punishment right wait kookie baby and tae both of you go and get freshen up until I will give them punishment " Aunt said looking towards jungkook and taehyung as they went upstairs and tae who was holding his laugh for so much time went inside the house.

"Now you all five come here are you ready for your punishment " Aunt said and all of them nodding their head as 'no'.
"Mom we are sorry we will not do it again if you want to punish just punish rm hyung he gave us so much work " Jin said wiping his fake tears.

"Hey it's all your fault because you all didn't complete your work on time " Rm said defending himself.

"It's because of you " Other four said to rm.

"No it's because of you all you all are so lazy to do your work " Rm said again as they all started to blame each other as aunt speak all of sudden making us all flinch.

"SHUT UP YOU ALL AND YOU ALL REALLY NEED A PUNISHMENT " We all flinch at the sudden voice as I jump suddenly where I am standing luckily no one saw me.

"Sorry mom " They all said in unison as they all came to aunt started hugging her and kissing her cheek making her happy.

"Ok I will leave you all this time but it better don't happen next time " Aunt said hugging them all and give them all a kiss on their forehead as they all let out giggles.

"Sure mom we love you a lot " They all said.

"I too love you all my babies " Aunt said and they all seem so happy they are so different in real life I have never imagine the biggest mafia group to be this cheerful , caring  and loving person.

"Now you all come and let's have lunch together and y/n come with me dear " Aunt said as the boys went near the dining table and me and aunt went to kitchen.

"Y/n dear help me place dishes on dining table " Aunt said to me.

"Sure aunt " I said and start placing dishes on the dining table and soon taehyung and jungkook also came down and they all seated down on dining table now.

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