chapter 30

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The evening was drowned like that with the couple sleeping cuddled with each other feeling the warmth and heart filled with peace and contentment of having each other in their embrace.

At present y/n is in the kitchen preparing dinner for them she woke up half an hour ago she was little shocked at first that how she end up here in this position with her husband she had her head laid on his chest and hands wrapped around his torso with their legs tangled together and for jungkook he had his arms around her waist hugging her close to him.

Then she remembered the things happened some hours ago how they cleared their misunderstandings, how they confessed their love to each other, how they embrace each other in their arms, the loving and happy tears flowing from their eyes. She smiled on the memories and blushed lightly when she remember their confession but she is literally on the cloud nine joy and happiness filling her heart. She looked up and saw jungkook sleeping peacefully looking like a cute bunny she admired him for sometime and then slowly got up without disturbing his sleep. She went to bathroom and freshen up and after that went to kitchen to make dinner as it was almost time.

She was busy making dinner with different thoughts engulfing her mind with a smile on her face but got startled when two arms wrapped around her waist and body came in contact with her from back she looked behind and saw a sleepy jungkook hugging her from behind and his face nuzzled in her neck and she feels goosebumps all over body when his hot breath fanned her neck her heart beats start rising and cheeks turned red knowing their close proximity but she loved being embraced in his arms feeling the warmth.

"Hmm.....what you doing? And why did you leave me alone on the bed? " Jungkook asked deep husky voice because of sleepiness which send shivers down her spine listening his deep voice.

"I-i am making d-dinner ....... And i-it was already late for dinner so i-i got up " Y/n said stuttering in between because of the things his hubby is doing nuzzling in her neck, sniffling and taking her natural scent mixed of strawberry and baby scent giving shivers all over her body.

"Hmm.......ok i will freshen up and come " Jungkook said and leave a kiss on her side of neck which made him in pure bliss he was very well aware of the effect he had on his little wifey and was liking it so much he then went from there towards their room leaving her shy wife a blushing mess as y/n saw jk left she squealed like a child and smiled so big remembering the loving moment she had spent with her husband just now but unaware of the fact that his husband already saw her cute little act he chuckled  at her antics and finally left to get fresh.

After twenty minutes he came back and saw y/n setting the food on the table he sat down on his chair and waited for y/n to serve after putting all the dishes on the table she serve the food for both of them and sat beside jungkook both started eating their food when jungkook spoke.

"Y/n we will go out tomorrow it's sunday so we can spend some time together " Jungkook said looking at her who instantly looked back at him with wide shining eyes.

"Ywess ywess bwut where we will goooo" Y/n  said in overly excited tone her voice came muffled because of the food in her mouth her cheeks puffed out eyes wide glowing cause of happiness jungkook chuckled at the adorable sight in front of him.

"Hmm..... You say is there any place you wanna go " Jungkook asked softly looking at her excited adorable wifey looking so happy he really wants to spend time with her talk with her get to know her and everything about her so he plans to take her out Tomorrow.

"Ummm.... C-can we go to a-amusement park..... Please " Y/n asked with a little hesitation not knowing if other wanted to go or not she immediately looked down after asking him thinking what if he thought of her as childish but she really want to go there cause after her parents died she have lost her childhood she was not able to enjoy her childhood like other children's and she have gone to amusement park years ago with her parents.

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