chapter 19

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Finally we reached here and ohh myyyyy goodd is this even real there house is so beautiful ooops not house but mansion this is so big and beautiful.

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(This is jeons mansion at seoul where they live)

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(This is jeons mansion at seoul where they live)

Omg this is so beautiful from outside what will it look like from inside. A guard open the main door and jungkook park the car in the garage and there are so many expensive cars I didn't know the name of many cars. After parking we got out and go to the front door to get inside and here I am admiring the whole house with my mouth open . Jungkook press the doorbell after sometime aunt came and open the door and she hugged us both.

"Ohh you both came how was your journey hmm " Aunt asked us not asking actually teasing us. I blushed at her question .

"It was good mom " Jungkook said to aunt after that we both get inside and jungkook went to his room.

"Y/n baby come I will show you your room you can get fresh then we will have our dinner " Aunt said to me I nodded and followed her.

We got into a room and I was awestruck to see the room it was so beautiful. I was looking at the room with my mouth wide open.

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