chapter 5

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As I enter my house I already know that I was late as it was already night time then I saw my mom sitting on couch being all angry I already know I messed up as I came late home and aunt had already told me to come home daily before 6 in the evening and today I broke the rule.

"Where have you been bitch don't you know the time " My aunt told while getting up from couch and coming towards me.

"I-i was j-just got into an accident that's why i-i got L-late" I said as I was so scared seeing my aunt glaring at me angrily.

"Stop lying you bitch you were definitely be with some boys enjoying in their bed right shameless bitch " When I heard those words I feel my eyes get teary as how can she think that I will do something like that.

"I -I didn't do a-any-t-thing " I said while sobbing and when I feel something on my right cheek I know my aunt slapped me.

"You are such a shame for us I don't know how many guys did you have slept with slut girl why don't you just die" I was so shocked as my aunt said so shameful words to me I am so hurt and I know today uncle is not home also so she is behaving like this.

" Now don't just cry standing here go and make dinner I am already hungry because of you "she said while throwing a vase on me by which I got hurt my leg and saw blood coming through my foot.

"Y-yes aunt I w-will make d -dinner " I said while struggling In walking in the kitchen I quickly make dinner and went to my room.

I came in my room and cried as much as I want thinking about earlier how my aunt talk to me and hurt me I don't know why it only happens with me if today my parents will be alive this will not happen as I cried more after crying for more than two hours I got up and went to drawer to get first aid kit and get my self banded after that I went to my bed sleep but I can't sleep because I was hungry as I my aunt didn't give me food she does always after thinking so much I fell asleep.

I then woke up as usual by my aunt start shouting in early in the morning and scold me then I get up and got fresh and took a shower I then go downstairs and made breakfast for my aunt and her daughter means my cousin minji she is totally like her mother she always get jealous of as she thought I am more beautiful than her she is also in my university but she never told anyone that I am her sister and always find ways to hurt me after having breakfast I again go to my room and sat on my bed as today is sunday I don't have to go to college.

I was resting as I my phone rang I saw and it was an unknown number still I decided to pick up the call.


"Hello who is this " I asked to the person who was on the other side of the phone.

"Hello y/n dear did you forget me I am your aunt mrs jeon whom you saved yesterday "mrs jeon spoke.

"Oh hii aunt how are you ?are you ok ?now how is your wound? " I asked her bunch of questions at once and she laughed through the phone.

"Relax dear and I am absolutely fine thanks to you " Aunt said and I feel lil embarrassed .

"Ok aunt btw why did you called me can I do something for you aunt" I asked curiously.

"Oh no dear I just thought to meet you to spend time with you if you are free dear" She asked to me and I feel so happy because she talks so sweetly.

"Oh sure aunt and I am free you can tell me the address where you want to meet " I said her being excited to meet her as I feel so good with her I get motherly feeling with her.

"Ok dear I will send you the address then and see you soon dear" She said

" Ok aunt bye and take care " I said and cutted the call.

After talking to aunt I feel so excited and started getting ready to go to meet aunt and it's when I message popped on my phone screen and I saw it is from aunt I guess she sent me the address then I saw the address and get downstairs ready to go.

"Where are you going " I heard a voice and see behind me standing my aunt glaring at me I suddenly thought I can't tell her the truth so I decided to lie.

"I-i am g-going for my p-part time j-job i-i am s-starting from t-today " I said strutting as I always stutter whenever I got scared.

"Oh you got a job good for you otherwise today will be a bad day for you ok go now as I don't have to see your face good for me " She said while walking towards her room I got sad listening to her.

Then I get to the address aunt sent me and what I saw I can't believe my eyes.

"Omg is this even real but why aunt told me to came here ooommmggg "

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