chapter 14

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Jeon mansion

Jungkook was in his room getting ready to go y/n house to talk to her aunt . As her parents yesterday told him to get married to y/n and for that he had to make her aunt say yes for their marriage. He don't want to get married because of his profession but he can't disrespect his parents request because they never force him to do anything and they never ask him anything so he decided to give his parents happiness by getting married to y/n. He was in his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door he went to open the door.he saw one of the maid standing there.

"Yes aunt what happened " He asked the maid who is in her 50's and he respect her and every maid so much because they all are older than him.

"Mrs jeon is waiting for you downstairs " She replied

"Okay I will come " I said and she bowed towards me and left from there and after her I also got downstairs .

"Good morning mom " I said to mom who is sitting on the sofa and looked a bit tensed.

"Morning baby and it's really urgent come I need to tell you something " Mom said as Worriness was written on her face.

"What happe.... " I was about to asked what happened that she is getting so worried but she said something which I was not able to believe.

"Y/n aunt is going to sell her save her baby and bring her here " My mom said and i got froze on my place.

"WHAT " I said a little bit loud as anger filled me and i don't what I will do if something happens to her and wasting no more time i quickly call my team and get ready all the bodyguards.

"But how did you get know about it mom
" I asked because I was confused how come she know about all this.

"Actually when me and your father told jin Namjoon to find about her after they give me the information we got to know about her condition to for her safety we keep a bodyguard around her and there is microphone in y/n aunt purse which that bodyguard put it in her purse because we can't trust where she going to do and because of that i got to know about all this please kook save her and bring her here safely " Mom explained to me after that i left from there to that place and it was not much far it was just 10 min away from my place.

I got there in 10 min with all my bodyguards and all hyung was already there waiting for me. I told them all the things and without wasting time we got in my bodyguards knocked all their mans in no time and we got in easily and i got furious seeing the sight in front of me. There is man who has is hand on y/n cheek and what the hell is she wearing it must be her aunt made her wear that and i can see tears in y/n eyes as that man was moving his hand from his cheek to her neck but before he could move further I shouted as anger took over me.

"STOP RIGHT THERE AND STAY AWAY FROM HER MOVE YOUR FILTHY HANDS AWAY FROM HER" I shouted at that man as he backed away a little while hyungs were fighting with the other mans around him.

"Jeon jungkook " That man speak as he recognised the furious male. And as soon as the name left the mans mouth y/n open her eyes which she closed when that man was touching her . The moment she saw jungkook she started crying more now.

"What are you doing here " The man asked who is also work in mafia business but he is not even 1% of jungkook power

"I am here to take this girl so give her to me politely otherwise you know what can happen to you " I replied as that man was again went to y/n and held her wrist which anger me even more.

"She is mine now her aunt had sold her to me i have give her the money in return so without even using her how can i give her to you but you can take it after I got done.... " But that man was not being able to complete his words because jungkook has shot him in his leg as he fall on floor holding his leg and screaming in pain .

"Don't dare to talk like this about her ever again or I will not not think even once to kill you right here " I said holding gun at his forehead now I got really mad when he talked like that about y/n.

"S-soorrry please l-let me g-o you can take her " The man said now whimpering in pain as I went to y/n who has her eyes closed and tears rolling down her eyes and hands on her hand probably because of the gun shot.

I took of my coat and put it on her and she opened her eyes feeling movement around her and she cried even more seeing me and i felt really not good when I see tears In her eyes and thank god I really got here on time.

"T-thank you soo much " She said crying and quickly covering her body with the coat as tears were still streaming down her eyes.

"Hmm let's go " I said and before that I told suga hyung and tae hyung to take the man to the hospital.

Y/n followed me behind we walk towards the road where we have parked the car I went towards my car with y/n following me I opened the car door for her and she got in after that I also went towards driving side and got into drivers seat and drove off and our bodyguards car were also following us as hyungs has left after I take y/n to the car because they said they had to take care of some business and after that they left and we also start driving towards the mansion.

"H-how d-did you know a-bout all this " Y/n asked me and what is trying to ask I look towards her and saw she is looking down and she is not crying anymore.

"My mom told me " I replied her and she got confused as the expression is written on her face.

"H-how does a-aunt know "she again asked I think she is kinda like curious cat.

"She hired a man for your safety and that man told her when he get to know that your aunt is gonna sell you and that man told my mom then she told me all this asked me to bring to safely to her " I explained her all the things because I know if I don't tell her she gonna ask me questions again and again. I looked towards her and she again held tears in her eyes and looking towards me but said nothing and we finally reached the mansion.

We get inside and parked the car In parking lot I got out of the car and opened her side of door and she get out I then start walking but she tripped and was about to fall but I held her by her arm and made her stand properly.

"T-thank you " She said looking down and I just hummed and again start walking and we get inside the house.

As soon as we entered the house my mom who was waiting for her desperately came towards her and hugg y/n and appa also came behind her and stand there. Mom broke the hug and till now she has tears in her eyes.

"How are you dear? I hope they didn't do anything? I got so worried when I got to know about all this. " Mom asked her her hands still cupping her face.

"I-i am okay a-aunt and they didn't d-do anything j-jung-kook came on time " She replied as tears were coming continuously from her eyes.

"Let's go to the living room we will talk there " Appa said and we all made our towards living room with mom still holding her securely.


Hello guys I hope you all the chapter and please comment me and support me please and ignore the mistakes.

Thank you 😍😍

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