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"Good job, Jisung! Your song was amazing. You should produce more songs, you're so good!"

"Thank you. You were great as well, you have a strong voice!" I praised Hyunjin back, slightly blushing because of the compliments.

The class, and school, had now finished which meant I could finally go home and play around with Bbama.

"Bye Hyunjin. It was fun collaborating with you!" I said my goodbyes and left.

Walking down the now-dark hallways I spotted my locker and dashed to it. While I was grabbing my bag,
my shoulder jerked away when it felt a hand placed on it.

"Hello there, Jisung. It's a pleasure seeing you!"

"Minho.. hii!" I respectfully greeted him back, trying to hide the terror on my face.

He startled me, but I won't show it to him.

"Have you made any plans for today? We could hang out."

I fell deep in my thoughts. He wants to hang out with.. me? Again?

"I'm fre—"

Before I could finish the sentence he took my hand and dragged me with him.

"Let's take Bbama out." he spoke and loosened his grip on my hand, letting go of it. Did he read my thoughts?

I agreed with him and slowed my pace, now walking.

After about half an hour of wandering around— because Minho saw some stray cats and wanted to feed them— we finally arrived at our destination, that being my house.

My brother, as always, was nowhere to be seen. I realized that as soon as I stepped on our porch, his car wasn't parked.

I made my way to the door and unlocked it, walking inside. I took my shoes off and Minho waited in front of the door.

"Bbama, come here baby!"

The dog ran down the stairs, coming right into my arms and licking me. That was his way of welcoming me.

"Let's take a walk."

Bbama excitedly barked, showing that he was eager to go outside. I took his leash and closed the door behind us, being met with a bored Minho.

"Took you long enough."

I rolled my eyes and walked in front of him, not even waiting.

"This is no way to treat your best friend!" he shouted as he ran after me, at full speed.

We both started laughing, whoever passed by us would've thought we were crazy.


A few hours passed and Bbama had gotten tired so I decided to return home since the sun was already starting to settle down.

"It was fun today, we should hang out again soon! Let me know when you have time."

"I had fun too!" I thanked him before we could part ways.

I could barely hear his goodbyes, his voice fading away as he walked in the opposite direction.

The walk home should take at least fifteen minutes.. not so bad. I calculated while walking out of the park, holding Bbama in my arms.

I put on my headphones, playing music at full volume while sauntering down the darkening street.

With each step I was approaching my house. I saw that my brother still wasn't home so I shrugged it off like I always did, not even caring anymore.

I opened the door and took off my shoes and Bbamas leash, freeing him.

The dog scurried into the kitchen as he expressed his hunger through loud barks so I followed.

After the canine received a 'fatherly kiss' on the head, he began eating his favourite food that was placed in his pinkish bowl.

I left the kitchen and rushed up the stairs which led me to my room. Entering it, I left the door just a bit open for the dog to enter after he was done.

For tomorrow I had a lot of homework so I sat down at my desk and prepared it. Who would've thought college students still have homework?

Still, there wasn't any other choice. I continued studying for what felt like forever and didn't quit until I was finished. 

Bbama was now laying on my bed, peacefully sleeping.

I slowly got up, trying to not make any noise that would potentially wake him up. I took my pyjamas and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Just a few more days.

I looked in the mirror and, for a second, there was something written on it, red.

But it disappeared, quickly, just like my parents. I often joked like that and always regretted it after. Was I absurd for fooling about such trauma? 

My clothes were thrown on the floor, in a corner where water wouldn't wet them. I hopped in and wasted no more time.

Should've put some music on.. I thought as I started washing myself.

I have a lot of classes tomorrow and then work. Busy day, again.

Today I didn't have to work because my manager told me I could go home and rest. She saw how tired I looked the day before and decided to be understanding.

She's so lovely.

An exhale left me while I was wrapping my waist in a towel and drying myself. I brushed my teeth and got dressed, now leaving the room.

Then my clothes went straight into the laundry, agreeing with myself that I was going to wash them soon. Which was probably not going to happen.

I jumped onto the bed and hugged Bbama who was now my cuddle buddy.

He's just so cute, so squishable.

I gave him one last peck on the head and turned around, setting an alarm for tomorrow. I turned the television on and played some music.

What if my dream turns out to be gory again?

Nightmares were scary. Even though I became used to them by now, my mind making up scenarios of my family being butchered still hurt.

I had seen it in my dreams. Their blood, their horrified faces. I hated it. Hated, hated, hated and hated. How they were screaming my name, screaming for help. I hated it all.

Maybe I should get that sight out of my head.

I closed my eyes and tried to force other thoughts into my mind, falling into a deep slumber praying the things I was going to dream about tonight would be lovely.

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