twenty four

520 31 11

"Minho, this can't be my brother. He has the keys and I didn't hear his car coming through."

We both stayed silent and agreed to not open it. It was probably not important anyway.

I went back into the kitchen and minded my own business as Minho was still enjoying his breakfast. I washed the dishes, gave Bbama some more water, made the bed and aired the room. All in fifteen minutes.

My friend had now finished all his food and washed the plate. How nice of him.

We both sat down in the living room just enjoying each other's presence. No words were spoken. Just silence (and Bbama's little barks).

12:28 PM

"How about we go out?" suggested Minho.

I didn't want to go but Bbama needed his daily walk so I accepted his request.

We quickly put some street clothes on (an old hoodie I didn't even remember owning, Minho wore his usual clothes) and left the house.

It was windy outside. The clouds were all different shades of black and grey, warning us about the storm that was about to hit the city.

"Let's go to that store we went to yesterday! I'm craving some ice cream. It's not far away."

The storm was just a blink away from us but that didn't stop me from getting my beloved ice cream. I want it, badly.

Minho said it was not a good idea and that we should go back but I refused and kept on going. Why was he acting like he wasn't the one requesting to go out?

While scoffing, we entered the store and quickly bought what I needed. It took us about five minutes. However, when we left the store, it was raining.

I should have listened to him.

We were now running in the downpour. The sky was flashing, thunders could be heard from kilometres. I could spot the black and grey clouds that were matching my mood hovering over the three of us.

We were out of breath. Well, me. I wasn't as athletic as Minho was. He laughed and teased me all the way back. My poor dog wasn't much better, he was barely running.

At least I got my ice cream!

And as if the day couldn't get worse, right when we entered the gates Bbama ran off and jumped into the mud in our garden.

I groaned. "Bbama, no!!"

He needed a bath and I was the one who had to do it.

We quickly got inside and changed our wet clothes. I had to give Minho some of mine since he didn't bring any in case of something like this happened. Who could have predicted it?

I decided to give him some black sweatpants and a red oversized t-shirt while I wore some white comfortable baggy pants matched with a t-shirt of the same colour.

"Come here and help me wash the dog!" I might have said that more harshly than I was planning to but it worked.

Minho rushed to the bathroom, obeying.

"What do you need help with?"

"Emotional support, thanks. Also, you could try and calm him down, I think it's his first time bathing. I don't know how he reacts."

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