forty three

383 22 46

"Jisung, there's nobody else here." he spoke as he came by my side and shook me.


I looked up again, blinked and repeated three times. He vanished, he left and I cried, unable to move or think straight.

"Minho, I swear he was here!" I exclaimed quivering in fear. It was never like this, usually he didn't dare speak up.

He would only try to scare me by continuously looking at me.

In response, Minho embraced me in a safe hug, whispering sweets in my left ear.

"No, go away! He'll come after you too, Min, leave!" I said when I realized the situation we were in— although the need for comfort was craved by me I had to follow my plan and ignore Minho.

Especially now that it was getting this bad.

"He? Who is he, Jisung?"

I could manage to face him on my own, I didn't need Minho.

"Him! He's done so much harm to me, to people I love! Go away, please!" I screamed, slightly shaking. 

"Jisung just shut up and let me heal you!"

I shook my head and pushed him away from me.

"Don't touch me." I whispered in a shaky voice.

He looked at me, at how bad I was trembling, and furrowed his eyebrows. 

"You know what, fine." Minho said, leaving with a scoff instead a goodbye as he slammed the door.

"Be safe, Min." I mumbled to myself, letting the salty tears fall down my puffy face.

Hugging my knees which were now pressed on my chest, I rocked my body back and forth in order to create a soothing movement that could help me calm down.

I stood on the floor for ten more minutes until I decided to go home. I couldn't stay, for not even one more minute, in this hell.

How? How did it happen?

He was full of fresh blood, clothes stained. That voice— it sent chills down my spine.

Because it changed.

I got up and rushed to my locker to take my objects, now finally being able to go somewhere else.

Of course he changed, he must hate me now. I would too if I were in his place.

Pushing by the students who were now leaving their classes I opened the big doors and stepped outside, taking a deep breath.

Free me from this curse.

I ran home crying. As much as I wanted to stop the tears that were falling down just like a waterfall I couldn't.

But could my 'home' even be considered one?

People glanced at me and might have thought I was some sort of crazy person based on their surprised faces. Their eyes spoke more than their mouths could.

They all looked stupid to me. Side eyeing me instead of asking why I am crying. Pathetic.

I sprinted into the park, sitting down under the same old tree me and Minho met. It held a special place in my heart, I was attached to it.

If only that woman wasn't fucking inside my house, I would've actually gone home and slept my problems away.

She had no right to do all that inside the property my brother owned.

However, I had other things to worry about.

This situation should have never escalated this way, everything took a turn in the wrong. I was aware, all this time that happiness never lasted. It wasn't meant to last, you had to force yourself to enjoy the moment.

I couldn't do that and here I was; crying under a dying tree.

The park was lonely at this hour since people were most likely at work or school, I was the only idiot skipping. I didn't have any other chance, did I?

I kept thinking about Minho and how he sounded so upset. He was just trying to help and I refused, again. I wished we could have just talked it out.

Maybe if I explained he would've understood, maybe we didn't have to part ways. Maybe I was being anxious and paranoid, perhaps it was all in my head. 

'It's for the better' I reassured myself.

I had no explanation for what had happened earlier. He haunted me.

It all started when I was just a kid, we were the best of friends.

A hard slap across the face could be heard.

"What was that for?" I asked him, utterly confused but not surprised at the sudden action.

"Oh, it's just a joke!"

He always said that. He always said it after pulling my hair and messing around with me like I was his toy to have fun with.

"Yeah, this is just a joke too!" I replied, not hesitating as I pushed him in front of a speeding car.

That was wrong of me, but I had had enough. I was slowly losing my mind because of him, I wasn't thinking straight whenever he was around me yet I still deeply loved the idea of having a best friend.

The accident was unfortunately fatal. He died right on the spot.

"What? No, he can't be dead! I didn't do it, it wasn't me!" I yelled in fear as the police officers took me.

"I'm just a kid, please let me go!"

I was only ten. Only God remembers the thing that happened next and how my parents handled the situation— all I remember is that since then he had been haunting me. He took everyone I loved away from me. He killed them.

Was it really my fault?


I looked to my side when I heard some footsteps only to be found by Minho himself. He was staring at me, not moving.

"Minho.." I shyly murmured, sitting up.

"It's okay."

While I was looking down, he didn't move an inch. "I'm sorry." I said before running away.

Why are my legs not stopping, why can't I control them?

He followed after me. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, looking back at him. Some locals might have thought we were just playing— the truth was that I wanted to hide. Not because he was dangerous, of course not; I was just embarrassed.

"For fucks sake, stop running away from me!"

He was getting closer and closer to me so I sped up my pace, not wanting to be caught by him once again.

Because I didn't know how to face him. No, I didn't want to face him. If I let it happen, he would do nothing other than try to comfort me.

Which would result in me crawling back to him.

"Jisung, watch out!" I heard him say before I was pushed by a force onto the ground.

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