48 ☠️

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How long had we been laying here already? However long it was, it was too short to be disturbed already. My head was still resting on his, too tired to even be bothered by the neck pain is was causing me. Not that whoever was coming through the creaking door cared about that though, judging from the loud way the door slammed shut again. Luckily for Seungmin, he hadn't seemed to be waken up, still hearing his soft snoring next to me. His arms were wrapped around my left arm, using it as some sort of plushie to hug, his head still resting just above it on my shoulder, a little lower than before.

It was weird. It still felt weird, off to have someone touch me, yet being held so innocently, so vulnerable, by someone who had done nothing to me while he could have done so much to harm me in ways, it almost felt... comforting. I couldn't place it, especially since being held had always been nothing but uncomfortable and quite frankly terrifying, why didn't it feel like that right now? Instead of holding onto me to give me pain or threaten me, Seungmin did the exact opposite. He held onto me for comfort, for feeling safe. No hidden meaning, no underlying intentions. Just warmth. Something I had not experienced since mom had passed. It almost made me want to return the act, but that was a border I just couldn't cross yet. Despite it all, I just wished he'd rest out for now, because if he had to continue like this...

"Off all the places to sleep..." I heard Chan sigh. So that's who it was. I immediately tried to slow down my breathing, focusing on doing nothing that could make him think I was awake. I didn't want to speak to him, I didn't want to see him, or even hear his voice. Everything about him was now just a reminder of the past, something I did everything for to avoid. I didn't put myself through life's danger just to come back from where I started. I could hear his footsteps closing in, my breathing becoming shakier by the second. I could only hope he didn't notice. My hand had slowly curled into a fist, my nails digging into my palm. Please, just let him leave.

Just before Chan had reached us completely, the door swung open again, Changbin's voice saving me. "How are they?" Chan let out a sigh. "Not too well. Y/N seems to be getting by, but her breathing is a bit rough. We should probably monitor it for a while, but I think she'll be fine. Seungmin on the other hand..." Chan grew quiet, and as much as I had wished for him to shut up just a few seconds ago, right now my focus was on Seungmin. And whatever the silence meant, it wasn't good. "Do you think we pushed him too hard? We've practiced for weeks to enhance his stamina, but he seems back to square one, if not worse," Changbin asked Chan concerned. Until it clicked.

It wasn't just because of all the walking. It wasn't all because of the fall. Sure those two played a huge role in it, but there was one thing they didn't know about. I should have never let him carry me. He was already tired, and yet he just kept going carrying my burdens with him too. It must have exhausted him terribly, and he still kept going. I wanted to slap myself at this point. If it hadn't been for me, if I had just kept on going and didn't complain, Seungmin may have - no, would have been in a better condition right now.

"Whatever it was that was the final straw for him, we'll need to do everything we can to get him back on his feet. He's all clammy and pale, if he continues like this..." Chan didn't finish his sentence, the passage way growing awfully quiet again. A silence we all knew off what it meant, but none of us wanted to admit. If we didn't do everything to keep Seungmin from exhausting himself even further, he wasn't going to make it. And that after he had just saved our lives. How ironic would that be.

"I'm worried about Y/N too though, to be honest," Changbin interjected, making my ears perk up. So far Changbin had been nothing but kind to me, but it was always the conversations you'd hear behind your back that revealed the true essence of people. "Why?" Chan asked, maybe a little too curt. He was probably still agitated from our earlier revelation. I was somehow glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way. "She was quite open and voiced in the beginning, I think she's quieted down since she first saved us. I don't know what it is, but I think somehow must have caused it. She seems to know a lot of things, but I can't help but notice she's been holding back..."

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Chan replied, again cutting it short. "Whatever it is, I think we might have to put in some more effort to make her comfortable around us," Changbin suggested. "Looking at the situation, it might help. She seems to be getting quite the bit closer to Seungmin, which is probably a good sign, but helping her open up to the rest of us might keep her from being more reserved. She's smart, so we could use her help." Chan kept quiet, probably knowing too that between him and me, that may just be impossible right now. Changbin sighed, ending the silence. "Anyways, let's let the two rest more. We'll talk over strategies later with all of us, I think it's best to get together with the 7 of us right now to discuss what to do to help those two out." Chan hummed, starting to walk away, but not before whispering one more thing;

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

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