49 ☠️

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"There you are, sleepyheads," Changbin chuckled as the door opened. "What time is it even," Seungmin asked groggily. Changbin just shrugged. "No clue, I think we all are losing track of time a little to be fair. But it's safe to say we at least have 20 hours left here." I shuffled towards the circle they were all sitting in, joining between Changbin and Jeongin, purposely avoiding the free spot next to Chan that Seungmin now filled in. "We were just talking about what to do for the next area's, evaluating how things went and stuff like that." Jeongin silently handed me a chocolate, pointing at the bowl behind us. They really weren't wrong when they said chocolate could make people happy.

"So, what did we miss so far?" I asked muffled, my mouth completely stuffed. I could feel the occasional glances or side eyes, but I decided to ignore them. I finally was starting to feel more comfortable because of Seungmin, I wasn't going to let some judging or questioning looks get to me. "Nothing much so far, so no worries," he answered nonchalantly, disregarding whatever had been said in the earlier conversation between him and Chan. They probably didn't want to talk about it openly, since they knew too we'd both just pretend to be fine. I'm just glad we don't have to be like that around each other.

"So," Chan took over, "I think we might need to try a more strategic approach next time." All eyes were on him now, though mine were pointed to the ground, watching my hands fiddle with each other. "We barely had any idea what we were getting into, and even when we were there, we barely had any idea of what to do. I think it took too long to really get to the point of it. I'm suggesting that next time, finding out what we have to do to get out of there is our top priority, and will be our first and foremost discussion before we do anything else."

Sounded logical enough. Had Seungmin not been smart enough to realize the stones had been so close by all along, we probably wouldn't have made it out the way we did now. Most of us were relatively fine now, but had we been caught in those other two storms that advantage would have been gone instantly for the rest of the zones. Knowing how sharp he is, we really need him to be at his best condition. Others might quickly overlook him, but he truly is one of the aces of the team. I just hoped more people would see it. "I think that's something we can all agree on," Seungmin smiled halfheartedly.

Hearing no protest from the rest probably meant we all did, something that already seemed to be rare right now. I peeked at Jisung, quickly looking back down as his eyes were about to meet mine. I could barely even look at him remembering what he said earlier. I never really thought too much of him; not in the mean sense but literally, I just let him be, no questions asked. But this? I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but to put me in such a position truly started to make me wonder if I ever could. For now I'd just avoid him as much as I could. It's not like he'd be the one to reach out to anyone else but Minho anyways.

Chan however might be more difficult in that subject. So far pretending to be asleep, plus sticking to Seungmin's side helped me out a lot, but I wouldn't be able to do so forever. And yet, I really, really did not want to talk to him about it. Partially because I knew he meant no harm at all, but that only made me feel worse about the whole situation. I couldn't even hate him without feeling bad for him now. He was also just a kid, and look how he turned out. We both just grew to have more trauma, so in the end no one won a single thing from it. I just had to hope Chan wasn't eager to talk about it either.

That left me with Felix, who I probably really should be talking to. Did he really like me? It all felt so early, especially knowing how little time we actually spent with each other, though with all going on it already felt like ages. And yet, what was I even supposed to do or say? I barely knew him, and knowing how secretive he was in the complete beginning, deflecting the question on why he was here immediately, I knew there was a lot of things, important things, I should know about him before even considering anything further. And all that, if I even liked him. I never knew what it meant to like someone, as it wasn't like I had a good example for it, but could this really be all? I wasn't exactly uncomfortable around him like in the total beginning, but I felt like this with Changbin and Jeongin too... The only one who truly felt different to me was Seungmin, and what it was I couldn't even figure out.

I put my hands behind me, leaning back a little to look up at the ceiling, already spotting the camera. Maybe those people could tell me just what was going on inside my mind, and moreover how to even deal with it. They only showed the comments out, as this place was too cramped to even do anything else with, plus with the terrible lighting you wouldn't even be able to read it. I sighed, letting all the others continue to chat away, as there currently wasn't a lot to discuss anyways with the new technique.

Maybe I'd figure it all out one day, but for now I'd just have to put it all aside if I wanted to survive out here.

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