Chitra's Trial to win Arjuna

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"I will make him mine. By any mean."

Princess Chitrangada was clenching her beautiful hands into a fist to take a vow. He defeated her in battle. So he had to marry her. Why he was now suddenly refusing her??!!

But she was thoughtful too. She had learned all the tricks of war as an warrior, but never learned how to win over a man's heart as a woman. She had never bern raised as a girl by her father, mighty King Chitra Vahan.

She had been thinking in her mind by closing her door for three days since then. But no result had come out. She seemed furious but not frustrated. As an warrior princess she knew it was the similar sitution in a battlefield when you suddenly realized that you got the strongest opponents. She had to discover a way out. Really. As fast as possible.

She called for her 'Sairindrhi' (maid) and childhood friend Sujata who came rushing into the room. Till now the Princess had banned her entry in her room. All her guards and maids were boys. Then why so suddenly she called for her??!! With this question in mind Sujata entered Princess Chitra's room with a sweating palm and trembling heart. She must have done some big mistake and Princess was going to punish her severely.

When she entered and bowed to her Princess, she was pacing restlessly. She seemed in deep thought. What's the matter??!! Sujata's brows brewed together for a second.

She asked "Rajkumariji (Princess), did you call for me?"

No answer.

She asked twice repeating the same question but received no response. It seemed that the Princess was totally unaware of her presence.

She cleared her throat aloud when the Princess stopped pacing and cried out "Why on the earth she is not coming to me till now?!" And pushed Sujata absent mindedly.

They both collapsed on the floor. She opened her eyes wide to realize that her friend Sujata was already in the room and now was lying beneath her helplessly, clutching her shoulders. It was a funny sight. She then broke into a laughter. Sujata also smiled aloud. They both laughed together like their childhood. In childhood they always laughed in the similar way whenever collided with each other. Chitra even proposed to marry Sujata if she was a boy. Both remembered that innocent days of childhood in merryment.

"What happened to you, Rajkumari (princess) ?!! You look so worried." Sujata asked her.

Chitra stopped laughing and looked in her friend's eyes deeply. She clutched her hands to her chest and said - "See yourself." Her face was red.

"Hmm. Interesting. Your heart beat is increasing rapidly. Sweat is forming on brows and forhead. But no fever." Sujata checked her temperature with her hands.

"Yes. I am feverish but not a bit fever."
Chitra told her while trembling. Her body was remembering the soft touch of Arjuna's hands on her palm.

"Yes. Indeed. That's why I am worried sick. Princess, what happens to you? Are you in love??!! Not with me, I suppose??!! " Sujata asked her.

Chitra lowered her eyes and blushed deep without answering anything. How could she confess her love to her childhood friend??!!

Sujata crashed her head with her own right palm mockingly and uttered "I see. You are dying indeed. But tell me who is that lucky guy who have guts to win our Princess's heart?!! Huh?!!"

Chitra lowered her eyes and fluttered her eyelids in shame. By seeing this her friend told her "My dear Princess, you are really dead now."


Abandoned Arjuna-Gharani Chitrangada: A Roar Of Revenge Where stories live. Discover now