Abduction of Shyamkarna Horse

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"Hmm ok. Then this is the problem indeed. We need Shyam Karna horse. But the King Yuvanaswa was not at all in favor of it."

Meghabarna told it to his friend who was also looking thoughtfull.

Meghabarna (Bheem's grandaon)

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Meghabarna (Bheem's grandaon)

His friend and uncle Brishaketu was also thinking the same. He was now rubbing his double chin.

"What to do now, Megh?" Brishaketu asked him in concern.

"We need at least 30 days to go there. But King Yuvanswa was planning to make Rajsuya Yajna himself. And that's also within 3 days." His friend Meghabarna told him.

"Then we have to stop them, Megh. We have to do something." He told his friend.

Meghabarna smirked a little. For a 'Mayabi asur' (demon with super-powers) it was not a problem at all. He could go anywhere. He could do anything. He could eat anything.

"Why you are laughing, Megh??!! It is not a laughing matter." Brishaketu asked him.

          Karna son Brishakeru

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          Karna son Brishakeru

"Brish, relax. Don't worry. We can reach there in a second." Meghabarna asdured him.

"But how?!!" He asked his friend in bewiderment.

"Ok. I will show you. Take my hand." Meghabarna outstretched his hands to him.

"Don't do any mischiefs, Megh." By telling this he took his friend's hands and within a second they both fast dissapered in thin air.

When Brishaketu opened his one eye, he saw himself flying on the air. He was flying with Meghabarna. He now looked nervous but adventurous too. He had never experienced this in his life before.

"Hey, don't drop me. Please." He told his friend.

Meghabarna laughed aloud. He felt this episode quite thrilling. "Trust me. I will not leave your hands. Ever."

"Hey. Don't talk nonsense. I feel like I am marrying you." Brishaketu pouted his lips.

Meghabarna laughed aloud again. This time Brishaketu joined him too. These two naughty boys were going to do some mischiefs that history would remember forever.

"Brish. My son." Padmavati screamed aloud in sleep.

Kunti, his mother-in-law, was sleeping aside her. She also got up and tried to comfort him.

"What happened, bahu (daughter-in-law)??!!" Kunti asked her.

"I saw my Brish in trouble." Karna's beloved wife Padmavati sobbed hard.

"Our Brish is a fierce fighter. Nothing will happen to him." Kunti assured her daughter-in-law while hugging her tightly.

"So this is the horse. Huh!! It is a truly ordinary horse." Meghabarna told it to his friend.

"We have to abduct it. As soon as possible." Brishaketu answered him.

"Ok. Let's see then."

By telling this Meghabarna whistled aloud. The eardrums of all soldiers got locked and they became instant deaf. They fell down with loudest screams and the horse escaped from their grip.

The horse roamed alone when he got hold by Brishaketu. He caught his buckle and patted on his back. The horse understood a friendly touch and stood still. It roared aloud but did not try to fight back. Brishaketu got hold of the buckle and sat down on the horse. The horse did not protest at all and accepted his command. Then it went straight towards the pond area.

"Hey, friends. Wait for me." His friend Megabarna with a big smile followed him.

"Hey stop. I say stop. Stop at once."

Brishaketu cried aloud but the horse was not listening to him. It went to the royal garden. Princess Yuvi was roaming there.

The horse galloped towards the princess. It stopped just behind her.

"Hey, Shyam, stop pushing me." She told it annyoingly and sharply turned back.

She was taken aback to see the same stranger boy was sitting uptight on its back. A faint smile came in his lips when he saw her.

"Remember me??!!" He asked her.

"I remember you. What you want?" She asked him.

"I don't want anything. But I think our fate wants us to be united." He told her mockingly by tilting his heads.

   Cute but angry Princess Yuvi

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   Cute but angry Princess Yuvi

She used her whips at hand to hurt him. It touched his shoulder and neck area and cut deep. He bit his lips to suppress his cry of pain. He did not want to feel weak in front of her.

He slowly lifted his amused eyes to her. Then jumped from the horse-back and reached her side. She felt nervous and gulped a bit. What he wanted to do with her??!!

He touched his wound and poured his thumb in his own blood. He winced a liitle but did not care for it. He took the blood in thumb and put it on her forehead.

"Now onwards you arrogant Princess will be mine. Just mine. And none else can touch you." He told it to her with anger in eyes.

She felt angry and tried to put her  knife deep in his chest but he dodged it at the nick of the time. He put his hands on her neck and put a small pressure on it. She cried aloud in pain but he stopped himself.

"I don't want to hurt you, my love. After all I am your husband now."

He tossed her on the floor and jumped over the horse. Within a second he disappeared from her sight. His tall silhoutte vanished. She broke down in deep sob of insult. He did not only abduct her father's horse, but also her dignity and pride. She for the first time in her life felt completely lost.



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