Destruction of Khandav Ban

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"Oh. Then we are decieved and given this barren land. Huh?!!" Queen of Indrapastha, Draupadi snorted in disgust.

Even though she had no likes or love for Yudhhisthir at first, but with times she felt sorry for her husband. He was an emotional fool who loved everyone and was cheated by everone. She felt her heart ached for him this time.

"Krishna, don't be impatient. We can make it our motherland." Yuddhisthir tried to assure her. He knew her very well. His wife was not in favor of having a infertile land by them a bit.

"I hate the idea. Really." She twisted her nose in utter disgust.

"Krishna, have patience. Have some faith on Bare Bhaiya (elder brother)." Her middle husband, Bheem told her to assure.

She looked at him with interest. This man was hopelessly in love with her and she knew it perfectly. She liked him for his enormous power. Bheem was rumoured to have the power of 1000 elephants in him. She kept her silence as she knew that it was best for her.

Kunti, her mother-in-law, was sitting with two younger sons, Nakul and Sahadev, at each side of her. All of them were disheartened too but did not wanted to be angry with the King of Hastinapur. They knew it perfectly well that they did not afford to do it. They were looking expectantly to Lord Vasudeva. They knew he would certainly discover some way out.

"I just need Partha to destroy this big and fierce Khandav Ban." Lord Krishna Vasudeva told them with a smile and then sharply turned back to Yuddhisthir "Call for Maya Danav (demon). He will build Indraprastha in no time."

Yudhhisthir just nodded his head in agreement. He understood the signal very well. Bheem himself went to request Maya Danav (demon), the one and only second best architect after God Viswakarma.

Arjuna accompanied Lord Vasudeva to destroy the Khandav 'Ban' (forest). They went together and requested every inhabitant to move from there. But some people from the Nag clan refuted their demand. They did not want to leave their motherland. All of them chose to be dead in Arjuna's hands instead.

Arjuna looked helplessly at his friend and mentor, Lord Vasudeva. He felt 'Dharma Sankat' (dilemma of duty). Lord Vasudeva assured him to do that. It was their destiny to die in his hands and he should not felt guilty for that.

Arjuna sighed hard and lifted his Gandiv (bow) in his left hand. He then pulled the strings. It created a fierce and loud sound. Most inhabitants of Khandav Ban collapsed on the spot by hearing that fierce sound. He bowed to the God and used Agni Ban (arrow of light).

He lifted his bow and stretched his right hand to his side to realese the destructive arrow named Agni Ban. It went away far and within a second the fire caught hold. The entire forest was ruined in a second along with its inhabitants.

Upon this destructed forest within months, Maya Danav built a supreme Mansion of illusion or 'Maya Mahal' as the capital of Indraprastha. The people from Hastinapur came here in union and started to reside. Within three years Indraprastha became a very powerful state and much more prosperous and lavish than its own motherland, Hastinapur. Under the able hands of King Yushhisthir it flourished day by day.


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