Hastinapur's Aswamedh Yajna & King Yuvanswa

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"I will do the same thing what I had done some 20 years ago."

King of Hastinapur Yudhhisthir told it firmly to all surrounding him.

His four brothers, uncle Bidur, Lord Vasudeva and Brishaketu, Karna's son, were sitting at their respective thrones. They all looked at him very expectantly.

Lord Vasudeva told him encouraginly "You surely need to perform Rajsuya Yajna (a ritual to prove the sovereign ruler over India). All indian small terrirories need to be united under your rule."

All others also nodded into unison. All of them accepted the logic given by him.

He continued "India even after the great Kurukshetra war, is divided into several small and big kingdoms. Sivi and Chedi kingdoms were already in your control. So also Dwarka and Nag lok. But you have to send your dut or messanger to everywhere. Everyone needs to accept it."

"Vasudeva, I will do the same. Tell me what to do?" Yuddhisthir asked him.

"Send your brothers Bheem and Arjun in dwigijyo around the horse of the yajna. The message is clear. Who will accept your friendship will not stop the horse and who will not, stop it and fight against them. But just fight. No brual killing. No bloodshed. It is a form of peace treaty." Lord Vasudeva told it confidently.

"I will do the same." Yuddhisthir told him in surprisingly calm voice.

Lord Vasudeva smiled a bit. He had a reason for this. He wanted to send his friend cum brother-in-law Arjuna to Manipur again.

"But there is a bigger problem in this ritual." Uncle Bidur, the minister cum chief consultant of Hastinapur informed them.

All persons gathered there looked in unison at him. Ex-king Dhritarashtra was one among them. He wanted to go to exile in the forest but stopped for this Rajsuya yajna.

"What problem, kakashree (uncle)?" Yuddhisthir asked Bidur.

Bidur smirked smugly. He was not very dissapointed to deliver the news.

"The horse. The problem is with the horse." He answered.

"What kind of problem?" This time Bheem asked him imaptiently. He was mainly not very patient in nature.

"This ritual needed a special kind of aswa (horse). It is called as the Shyam-karn aswa or dark-eared horse. It is a special kind of horse with white body yet black ears. It is a rare breed. Only one province of India is breeding this type of horse." Bidur expertly tried to explain it.

"Whom? I mean in which province it is breeding now?" Yudhhisthir asked Bidur with faint tremble in voice.

"The province of King Yubanaswa." He answered him calmly.

"I am not going to give Hastinapur King Yudhhisthir my horse. And why should I?!! I want to be myself the emperor of all Indian continents. So I am breeding and rearing these horses. Why should I give it away??!!"

The mightly arrogant king Yuvanaswa was in rage and his minister was now flueling in his anger. It was his nature. The king Yuvanswa was a big fool. He was arrogant and full of himself. He was a widower. His wife died at the time of childbirth. He had only one offspring, his beloved daughter, 16 yrs old Yubakshwi. The king was sonless. Hence his evil minister planned to abduct his daughter and to force this fool king to marry her with him. The minister's plan was fullproof but with only one flaw. A 19 yrs old young boy was like a storm was coming towards king Yubanswa and his daughter Yubakshwi. That was none other than Karna son Brishaketu. Yubakshwi's future husband.

"My lord, I think it was a great time and chance for you to show that fool Yuddhisthir a lesson." Minister Soma, the same evil cunning minister, was encouraging him.

"I think you are right, Soma. Let him come. I will show him my power." He said with arrogance by patting the shoulder of Soma.

Soma winced in pain. His wrinkles went more deep in thought. He had got new foes along with the king. What a great misfoetune!! Where was his dream honeymoon with princess and where was he now going after the foolish king's internal affairs!!!

Princess Yuvi was sitting beside a big pond and was now talking with her pet duck, Ayush. It was her favorite passtime. She loved to talk with him all the times since her childhood.

All of a sudden a tall silhoutte fell on the water. An extremely handsome boy of 19 with bright glowing face and deep smirk was watching her face with utmost interest. He never saw someone like her. His red hair was now flowing in the air.

She with a jolt turned back at her back and discovered a stranger boy looking at her. He was wearing golden armor with weapons like bow in his hands and arrows in his back on the buckle of his bowbag, a sword tightly tugged in his belt. He was wearing a white and golden mixed dhoti and golden chappals (shoes). His brownish red locks on his forehead was flying in air. He had a sign of sun on his forehead middle at the eyebrow. He looked extremely attractive in the eyes of the princess's eyes. She twisted her fingers and bit her lower lips by lowering her eyes. She, an usually a very talkative girl, was suddenly felt bashful. This was a new experience for her.

"Who are you?" She slowly asked him.

"I am Brishaketu. Karna putro (son). I am here to abduct the horse." He then leaned on her slightly and answered "And may be you too."

She lifted her face violently to him. He must be an arrogant boy!!! But what she saw was completely different. His face was lighted up with bright smile with no sign of mockery or arrogance. She gulped a bit. He was telling the truth!!!! What he wanted from her?!!



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