End: Arjuna-Chitra reconciliation

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"Son-in-law, where are you?!! Are you okay? Did my grandson harm you?"

The smiling King Chitra Vahan and his queen Devi Vasundhara entered the tent. They came approximately in appropriate time.

Babrubahan rushed to his old ailing grandfather who smacked his broad shoulder lovingly. He winced a bit in pain. His wounds were still not taken care of.

          Brishaketu or Vrishaketu

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          Brishaketu or Vrishaketu

Brishaketu dragged him with his own. He wanted to nurture his brother. Till now he was not ready to take care of himself before seeing his father alive. Lord Vasudeva signalled Brishaketu to do that which he had understood too perfectly.

King Chitra Vahan greeted everyone with dignity and honor. Mother Kunti and Queen Vasundhara talked happily with Ulupi. King Chitra Vahan seemed busy in discussing some important political issues with King Yudhhisthir of Hastinapur and Bheem was also involved in it.

      Arjuna Putra Babrubahan

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      Arjuna Putra Babrubahan

Only Arjuna seemed restless. He had seen everyone except Chitra. Lord Vasudeva smiled to see his anxiety and dragged him to a corner.

"I know where she is." He answered in mysterious tone.

"I don't want to know about her. She did not even come to See me when I was dying." Arjuna pouted his lips.

"Don't behave childishly, Partha. It was she who gave her beloved son  babrubahan your identity at the end of the battle. It was she who almost died in shock by seeing your dead-body and remained fainted for hours in your feet. It was she who even tried to comfort your whole family on your behalf. It was she who even went to Nag Lok to pursue Ulupi to bring Nag Moni to save your life. How many proofs you wanted of her innocence, Partha??!!" Lord Vasudeva looked serious.

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Abandoned Arjuna-Gharani Chitrangada: A Roar Of Revenge Where stories live. Discover now