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A young man clenched the magazine he was reading tightly in his hands. Not even paying attention to the pages.

Rather, his brown eyes are narrowing at the couple that are making out on the couch.

Dave kept his jaw shut and clenched tightly. How could Kurt choose her?

Suddenly a woman's voice spoke up. "Got a staring problem, David?" She asked.

Dave snapped out of his gaze. He adjusts the magazine in his hands and cleared his throat. "No, I don't. Courtney." He replied sourly.

Courtney scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Kurt, baby?" She asked towards her boyfriend.

Kurt looked so exhausted. His deep blue eyes look lovingly at the woman that sat beside him. "Mm?" He hummed out.

"Let's go upstairs. Apparently Dave wants to be a creep." She snarled. Her pale skinned arms crossing. Her matted black mascara covered lashes blinked.

Kurt only replied with a snicker. A small smile tugging up at his lips. "Well, I'm just lucky to find someone as beautiful as you." He replied to the blonde woman.

Dave glared daggers into the magazine in his hands. Tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. His heart beginning to hurt.

Courtney smiled largely and wrapped her arms around Kurt's neck. "Awww." She trailed off and kissed the Nirvana frontman's cheek.

The two got off the couch. Kurt held his hand out to Courtney. The lead singer of Hole grasps it. But rather..tight.

Her long painted nails digged into her boyfriends wrist. It somewhat hurt the blond man.

He winced softly. Dave heard and peaked his eyes up. His face mostly covered by the magazine now.

Kurt has a smile on his face. But his eyes – reflected so much pain and exhaustion.

Something seems off, and Dave knows. He just can't exactly pinpoint what it could possibly be.

His brown eyes watch the couple head upstairs and disappear out of sight.

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