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"Fuck, Kurt I'm so sorry.. I don't know what got over me!" Dave began to panic more. His hands started to shake as he collapsed to his knees.

Kurt lifted his head after hiccuping a few sobs. He sniffled and noticed Dave is starting to panic.

He gets up from the bed. "Dave..?" He spoke softly out. Dave didn't reply. He's just staring at the ground. Body visibly shaking as his breathing pattern got quicker in pace.

"Oh, Davey.." Kurt whimpered out as he went over. He takes a seat in front of the drummer.

"I'm so sorry." Dave cried out as he hugged himself. His head getting fuzzy from hyperventilation.

"Dave, Dave. Look at me." Kurt spoke softly. Trying to stay calm himself now. He has to be here, for Dave.

Dave's brown eyes frantically looked around. Before they settled themselves onto Kurt's face. Just looking at the blond began to calm his nerves.

Kurt gently picks up Dave's hands. "Can I hold them..?" He asked. Dave kept his eyes glued onto Kurt. He nodded frantically.

Kurt holds onto Dave's hands. Lightly brushing his thumbs on the top's of them as he gave Dave a warm smile.

"Hey, let's take some deep breaths. Okay?" Kurt spoke softly. Dave gulped harshly before panting heavily.

"Deep inhale, hold, and exhale." Kurt mumbled as he begins to deep breathe. Dave started to copy Kurt's actions.

In fact, it started to calm both of them down. Several minutes go passed and the two of them calm themselves.

"Better?" Kurt asks. Dave lightly squeezed Kurt's hands. He refused to speak.

Kurt stands up. He held his hand out. "Let's get you back into bed.. you must be really tired from that, huh..?"

Dave nodded. He holds onto Kurt's hand. He gets pulled up. The frontman carefully guided Dave back to the bed.

Dave lays down. Kurt covers him up. He flashed a little timid smile. "Dave, we can talk about this later.. okay? I'll see you later."

He was about to leave but Dave grabs Kurt's hand. He finally cried out softly.

"Please don't leave me."

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