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The front door opened to reveal Krist. He entered and shuts the door. Tossing a few packs of cigarettes on the coffee table.

"Here. We needed some more." Krist informed. He takes a seat on the couch and picks up the remote.

Before he could switch it on, Dave let's put a frustrating huff. He threw the magazine across the room. "Damnit!"

Krist placed the remote down and turned his head to look at the drummer. "Something the matter?" He asks.

Dave didn't reply. Tears uncontrollably started to roll down his cheeks. He pushes himself off the chair he was sitting on.

He walked into the kitchen. Krist gets up and follows. "Dude?" The tall brunet piped up.

"I can't believe this!" Dave shouted as he grabbed an alcoholic bottle from the fridge. He slammed the door shut.

He walked himself to the table and sits at it. Unscrewing the lid and takes a few sips from it.

Krist sits beside the drummer. He furrowed his dark eyebrows. "Dave, hey. Let's calm down a little bit. Talk to me."

Dave placed the bottle down. He hiccuped a few sobs before mumbling. "Why did Kurt have to choose her..?"

Krist furrowed his eyebrows now. "Are they in the house?" He asks. Dave nodded. "Yeah. Upstairs."

The bassist pats Dave's back. "Hey man. I'm here for you. Let's talk it out, I don't want you to explode." He lightheartedly joked.

Dave rolled his chestnut colored eyes. Tucking a long strand hair behind his ear. "Something about her.. it's just off.  Kurt just looks so tired. I'm not sure what is happening..but I think it has to do with her."

Krist listened before nodding. "Yeah? Or maybe you're just jealous." Dave's mouth went agape as he lets out a dramatic scoff. "No! I am not jealous!"

The bassist raised an eyebrow. "Really? The couple been together for a few months. And everytime they're in the same room as you I can just sense the jealousy from you."

Dave groaned and laid his head on the table. Hiding his face in his arms. Tears starting to roll down his face.

"Man.." he whimpered out.

Krist sighed softly as he watched Dave lift his head. He wiped his eyes as he sniffled a bit.

Krist rubbed his friends back comfortably. "You really care about Kurt, don't you?"

Dave nods his head imediantly. "Of course I do! Just something seems off and I want to protect him.." his voice cracked.

Krist pulled Dave into a soft hug. "I know Dave. He'll be alright." He reassured.

But Dave didn't believe that.

He knows something is wrong.

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now