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"Thank you." Kurt mumbled in reply. Dave shifted a bit. Pulling some blanket up and covering Kurt with it.

"Hey, we don't want you getting cold now. Don't we?" Dave asked. Kurt shakes his head.

"Now," Dave hesitated. He stared into Kurt's eyes. Seeing happiness and love expressing from them.

He shakes his head. "Oh nevermind.." he mumbled. Kurt is confused. "What?" He asked.

"No, I don't want you upset." Dave replied. Kurt started to get worried. He sits up in the bed. "Dave, what is it?"

Dave sighed. "Why..." He paused and hesitated before asking, "Why did you choose her..?"

Kurt knew exactly whom Dave meant. The once happiness that shined disappeared from his blue eyes.

Dave felt a pain of guilt hit his chest. Mentally slapping himself. He knew he shouldn't have said anything.

"Because," Kurt began. He laid down. Laying flat on his back. He stared at the bedroom's ceiling.

"..Because, I loved her. I really did. Dave. But, seeing her just...do that to me. She would just get mad at the smallest things. She always has this – burning passion inside of her.. most of the time it was rage. To me. I wasn't sure, why. I treated her..perfect. I took her out. We ate ice cream. We read books together. We sang songs. We had sex. I did everything for her..I just.." Kurt paused. Tears filling up his eyes.

Dave listened with intent. Even though he can feel the intense jealousy crawling back to him.

"Well just she treated you like shit." Dave snapped. Oh no, he's loosing control.

Kurt went wide eyed in shock. Dave sits up. Kurt sits up as well. Staring at Dave with disbelief.

"You heard me, blondy. She treated you like shit!" Dave repeated, his voice getting more angry by the minute.

"Now Dave she didn't always.." Kurt began but Dave interrupted Cobain.

"No! She always did! I heard those arguments in your god damn room! Those bruises on your wrists! Multiple–Fucking–Occasions on how you would ditch performances to be with her! I've had enough! It sounds like you still love her! She's a bitch! Kurt! Why can't you see that?! She doesn't love you! If she really did she would be here! But NO! GOD DAMNIT KURT!" Dave screamed at the blonds face. His emotions rawly came out.

Kurt teared up. His body now frozen in place. Dave contuined to yell.

"KURT! That should've been ME! I should've kissed you and treated you actually well! I shoulda been there before that devil stole you away! God damnit!! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO LOVE ME!" Dave screamed into Kurt's face.

Holding the blond tightly with anger, jealousy, and heartbreak. "YOU STILL FUCKING LOVE HER, DON'T YOU?!"

Kurt fell silent. Just staring at Dave with tears filling his eyes. "Answer me!"

Kurt lowered his head. He broke down into tears. Feeling his heart start to ache and break.

Dave realized what he is doing. He gasped in a panic. He quickly got himself off his bed.

"Damn it, Kurt..- I'm so–" Dave started but Kurt screeched out. "NO!" Then hiccuped a few sobs.

"I don't love her..!" Kurt cried out. Hugging his knees and hiding his face into them.

"Not anymore.."

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now