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Courtney moved her hands away. She cleared her throat. "I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late with Dave. And behave."

Kurt felt himself get chills at how intimidating her voice got. But he adores her. He loves her so much. Even with the pain, he can't just give her up.

Smiling at Courtney he nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll be up with you in an hour or so. I love you." He replied.

Courtney kissed Kurt's hand. "Night, fucker." Kurt snickered once he felt the little kiss.

She then left the kitchen and upstairs. Kurt immediately walked over to where Dave is standing.

"Hey. What the fuck are you doing?" Kurt asks, keeping his voice down just in case if she will hear.

But she can't. She's already in Kurt's bedroom.

Dave sighed. "I'm sorry, dude. I was going to come in here for a snack but I didn't want to bother you." He replied, coming up with an excuse.

Kurt shrugged. He believed it so easily. "Oh. Well that's fine. Sorry." He cleared his throat.

Dave entered the kitchen. He opened the cabinet and grabbed out a small package of Oreos.

He pried open the seel and takes a few out. He held the package to Kurt. "Want some?"

Kurt looked so hesitant. Like he is hungry but anxious. He timidly nodded his head.

"I'll bring it to the table, c'mon." Dave says sweetly. The long haired drummer carried the package over.

He sets it on the table. Kurt sits down. Dave sits next to him. Kurt reached his hand out, even his fingers are bruising up.

He takes two of the Oreos out. Setting one on the wooden table. The other in his hand as he takes a bite.

His pained blue eyes staring at the floor in depression. Dave realized. Just sadly Kurt chews the Oreo and finishes it.

Picking up the second one in the exact numbly way. He eats it with his eyes glued to the floor and then sighed.

Dave sets his hand on top of Kurt's. Kurt tensed – completely in fear. His blue eyes quickly look up at Dave.

Before he looked away. Looking around to make sure Courtney wasn't present. Thankfully, she isn't.

"She's not here." Dave reassured in a soft relaxing voice. Kurt's shoulders slowly slouched. "I knew that." He replied.

"Are you okay?" Dave asks after a few minutes go by. His brown eyes staring deeply down at the blond. With love, worry, and care.

Kurt extracted his hand back. He nodded his head. Making sure his sleeves are covering his wrists.

"Mhm, I'm fine." Kurt mumbled. Dave furrowed his eyebrows. He looked down at Kurt's hands. Seeing the bruising forming on the top of Kurt's hands and knuckles.

Softly Dave reached out and grasped onto Kurt's hands. "Uh, that's from..me busting my guitar a few weeks ago from the performance." He lied.

Dave knew that was a lie. Since 'weeks' came into response. Plus, Kurt never really gets injured from their ending closes of performing on stage.

The drummer lightly takes a hold of one of Kurt's hands now. Using his other hand, the drummer gripped the sleeve.

"May I pull your sleeve up..?" He asks. The little hairs on his neck began to stand.

Kurt tried to pull his hand back but whimpered in pain. Dave has a gentle yet firm grip.

"Why..?! There's nothing there!" Kurt raised his voice a little. Feeling himself get more nervous.

He didn't want Dave to know.

"Then why are you being so defensive..?" Dave asks, much calmer about the situation.

Kurt yanked his hand back. Rather roughly and accidentally hurting himself. "Ow..!" He cried out and held his wrist.

"Kurt,.." Dave began but the blond stood up. "No! I'm fine! Okay?! Now, leave me alone!" He snapped.

Dave was stunned. Kurt hardly ever yells. He sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'm sorry...I'm here, okay?"

Kurt gets up from his chair. "Whatever, I'm gon' to bed. Night." He muttered in reply.

He headed up the stairs.

Dave watched the blond go. He felt his eyes water. He couldn't just let him go. He gets up.

"Kurt, wait up!" He exclaimed. Reaching to the stairs. Kurt stopped he turned his head.

"What do you want?" Kurt asks, more irritated. Yet his heart pained to stay with Dave.

"I'm sorry, hey. Let's go have a smoke outside? How does that sound?" Dave asks. Holding his tears back.

Kurt bit the inside of his cheek. Feeling his mood swing slowly switched. He nodded.

"Sure." He replied.

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