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"Damn it he startled me." Dave spoke which made Kurt giggle. He laid his head onto Dave's lap and yawned.

"Mm, well we were expecting him to come in the morning...wait, what time is it?" Kurt sleepily asks.

Dave lifted his head. He looked at the clock on his dresser. It read 6:45AM. He scoffed in disbelief.

"Do you really want to know, baby?" He asked. Kurt rubbed an eye. He looked tiredly up at his brunet boyfriend.

"Mhm." He sleepily hummed out. A small timid nod afterward. Dave reached his hand down and started to pet Kurt's hair.

"It's almost seven in the morning." He replied. Kurt shot his eyes open in shock before he yawned again.

"Jesus..that fucking late?" He asks. Dave nodded to confirm the truth. Kurt rolled around on the bed for a moment before getting comfortable and laying on his side. His back facing Dave.

Dave watched his boyfriend with love. Finding him so beautiful to look at. The drummer lays himself down right next to Kurt.

Pulling his boyfriend close. Kurt sleepily started to laugh as he felt Dave's embrace.

"Hi." Kurt mumbled out. Dave tucked his face into Kurt's dirty blond hair. Taking in the scent of it.

"Hii..." Dave trailed off. Emphasizing the sound as he kissed Kurt's head. Kurt giggled tiredly.

"Want some blanket?" Dave asks towards the frontman. Kurt nodded. "Yeah."

Dave sits up for a moment. Yanking up the blanket. "Just a sec, baby." He muttered as he slipped off his shirt. Disregarding it to the floor.

He laid back down. Covering himself and Kurt up with the blanket. Kurt felt his face warm up.

He rolled over. Now scarlet in the face once he realized the drummer is shirtless.

Kurt ran a hand over Dave's chest and giggled. "Handsome.." he complimented. Leaving Dave with butterflies in his stomach.

Cerulean eyes slowly gaze up to Dave's facial features. Softly blinking his eyelashes as he stared at his love happily.

Dave returned the look. Sighing in a relaxed state as he leaned in close. He softly kissed Kurt.

Kurt smiled softly. His hand gently rubbing Dave's chest as he returned the affectionate kiss.

Slowly the couple pulled back. Staring deeply in each other's eyes. Just focused with each other. Nothing else.

"You're so pretty. I can just stare at you forever." Dave admired. Making Kurt blush and shyly look away.

"Oh shut up..." Kurt mumbled with a chuckle. Dave leaned in close and kissed Kurt's head.

"Hey, Kurt?" Dave muttered as his lips remained on Kurt's skin. Kurt lifted his gaze. Staring up at his boyfriend.

"Huh...?" Kurt mumbled. Making Dave smile as he moved his head back.

"I love you."

The frontman imediantly started to smile as he pulled Dave closer. He pecked the drummers lips.

"I love you, too." Kurt replied.

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