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Kurt slowly came back down the steps. He reached to where Dave is standing.

Dave felt himself start to smile. He held his hand out. "C'mon, Krist just bought us some new packs in the living room."

Kurt glanced up at the stairs for a moment before looking at Dave. He started to smile.

He lightly held onto Dave's hand. Dave softly tugged Kurt down the remaining steps.

Kurt reached downstairs. They made brief eye contact before walking into the living room.

The drummer swiftly picked up the pack of cigarettes and lighter. "Alright, let's go."

Kurt nodded as the front door is opened for him. He chuckled softly as he walked out first. "Thanks, Dave."

Dave felt himself smile as he walked out with the blond. He shuts the door behind him. "Of course."

The two sit down on the porch steps. Dave handed Kurt a cigarette. The blond frontman placed the cigarette up to his lips.

Dave flicked the lighter on and lights Kurt's cigarette for him. Then, he lights himself one.

The two took a few puffs and exhales silently before Dave spoke up. "How's you and Courtney?"

Kurt exhaled the smoke. The cloud went into the cold crisp black sky. "We're fine." He softly replied.

Dave furrowed his eyebrows. He twists his finished cigarette out and tossed it on the ground.

"Kurt, you know.. we can talk about it." Dave mumbled. He placed a hand softly onto Kurt's.

The other hand that belongs to Kurt takes another drag of his cigarette. He deeply inhaled and then exhaled the smoke.

"There's nothing wrong." Kurt replied. He flicked his cigarette down. Stepping onto it and hissing slightly.

"Easy!" Dave exclaimed. Kurt laughed and moved his foot back. "I'm okay." He reassured.

Dave huffed. He lightly picks up Kurt's hand. Kurt froze. His blue eyes helplessly watching Dave's moves.

Dave used his other hand and lightly pulled up Kurt's sleeve. His brown-doe-eyes filling up with tears.

Kurt's wrist and forearm littered in dark bruises. They look almost black. Dave is left shocked.

"It's fine!" Kurt shouted and tried to yank his arm back. But winced cause his arm didn't budge.

Dave shakes his head. His thumb lightly brushing against Kurt's very thin arm.

"Where'd you get these..?" The brunet asks. Kurt felt tears sting into his eyes. He didn't reply.

"Kurt?" Dave asked again. Kurt didn't reply. The drummer sighed and guided Kurt's head to his shoulder.

Kurt imediantly flinched and sat back up. "Don't! I don't want her to see..." He whimpered out.

Dave knew now. His heart having a passionate anger against the woman. But his anger relaxed when he noticed Kurt stand up.

"I should go to bed.. I'm sorry." Kurt briefly explained and went into the house.

Dave followed in. The door being almost shut in his face but he caught it. Then, he walked inside.

Shutting the door behind himself. Kurt is nowhere to be seen. Dave sits on the couch. Holding his head in his hands.

"I need to talk to Krist..maybe he'll know what to do."

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