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Kurt lays himself onto the couch. Groaning softly as he reached out for the remote. He switched on the television.

Dave noticed and chuckled. "How does sandwiches sound? Would you like a sandwich and some milk?" He asked sweetly.

Cerulean eyes shyly look up at the drummer. He nodded his head. The corners of his lips going upwards into a smile.

"Yeah, please." Kurt answered. His blue eyes flickering away and glued themselves at the TV.

Dave nodded his head. "Sure. But come in the kitchen." He commanded softly as he went over to the kitchen.

Kurt groaned. He felt lazy. "But Daveeeeee." Dave hollars back in reply, "No, Kurt! You gotta come in here!"

"Damn it." Kurt mumbled underneath his breath as he gets up. He dusts his denim jeans as he lazily walked himself into the kitchen.

"I was watching TeeeVeeeee." Kurt whined as he takes a seat at the table. A plate of a small sandwich and a glass of milk is set in front of him.

Dave felt somewhat confident about his feelings now. He had to make it more, obvious. Even though a few weeks ago he practically already confessed.

I guess Kurt was too naïve to realize.

Dave loosely crossed his arms as he watched Kurt happily munch on his food.

Kurt realized Dave was staring directly at him however. So this made him slow his eating.

"Oh I'm sorry." Dave apologized. "I didn't mean to stare...is it good?"
Kurt finished his bite. He nodded his head.

"Great. I'll let you eat. Uh, how does a movie sound?", Dave piped up with the idea. A warm smile rising on his face.

Kurt takes a little sip of his milk. His stomach was starting to hurt. But he hid his pain with a smile.

"Sounds nice, go pick one out." Kurt answered. Dave did as told. He left the kitchen and into the living room to choose a film for the VCR.

After a few minutes, Kurt couldn't eat anymore. He felt bad. Dave made this sandwich specifically for him. He only ate half of it.

His stomach pain is getting worse. It resulted in him to stop eating. He groaned softly and wrapped an arm around his stomach.

He squeezed it for a moment before moving his hand. Trying his hardest to ignore the pain.

Entering the living room, Kurt spoke up to Dave. "Heya, I'ma go get in PJs, I'll be down in a few."

Dave gave Kurt a thumbs up. Rather paying attention to the box of video tapes as he is searching in them for a movie they can watch.

Kurt noticed the thumb and smiled timidly. He then sluggishly walked himself up the stairs.

"Ow..Ow.." He whimpered as he makes up each step. Dave must've heard cause he turned his head.

He was about to ask Kurt if he was ok but the blond has already gone. Furrowing his dark colored eyebrows, Dave finally picked out a movie for them to watch.

He placed it into the VCR and pressed the rewind button. Allowing it to rewind with the blue screen on in the background.

Walking himself to the kitchen, he noticed the half eaten plate of food. Dave sighed. He knew something was wrong now.

He picked up the plate. Wrapping the sandwich in a paper towel and taking out some tupperware. He puts the half eaten sandwich into the container and puts the lid over it.

He puts the meal into the fridge. Shutting the door as he walked over to the sink. He clashes the plate inside there.

Running a hand through his dark colored hair. Dave went over to the telephone landline.

Picking it up, he began to dial in Krist's phone number. Holding it up to his ear as it began to ring.

It rang for several minutes before it eventually got answered.

"Hello?", Krist's voice spoke.

Dave cleared his throat as he responded.

"Can I speak with you for a quick chat? It's Dave."

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now