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Kurt walks over to where Dave is. He grabbed onto Dave's hand and tugged him up.

Dave is caught off guard. He wobbled a little bit and stood up. He started to laugh.

"Kurt what are you up to?" Dave asks. The frontman puffed his cheeks out before looking up at the taller drummer.

"Putting you to bed. You need your rest." Kurt replied. Dave started to laugh it off. "Oh, Kurt im-"

The blond cuts him off. "Nuh uh. Don't feed me the bullshit. You're getting some rest."

Dave felt his heart flutter. He deeply appreciates Kurt. He sighed softly as he tried to deny it once again. "Really Kurt I'm fine!"

Kurt shakes his head. His cheeks puffed out as he pulled Dave up the stairway. "No!" He said.

Dave gave in. He found this adorable. He walked up the stairs. -More like being dragged and pulled up.

But Kurt has a very gentle grip. It wasn't aggressive. It was very soft. And Dave likes Kurt's touch.

Walking down the hallway, the two reached to the drummers bedroom. Kurt let's go of Dave's wrist.

Suddenly he turned around. He lifted Dave's hand. "Oh I didn't grip too tight did I..? I didn't hurt you, right?" Kurt asks. Overthinking and worrying.

Dave immediately shakes his head. "What?? No. You didn't hurt me at all, hon." He replied genuinely.

Kurt relaxed himself. He lets go of Dave's hand. Realizing how worried he was being and internally felt embarrassed.

He cleared his throat. Turning around so his back faced the drummer. He turned the door knob open.

Dave's bedroom door opened. The two went inside. Kurt closed the door behind himself.

"Let's get you into bed.." Kurt mumbled. Dave couldn't help but smile. He adored how caring Kurt is being.

Kurt guided Dave to the bed. Dave laid himself down into it. But blushed once Kurt pulled the blankets over the brunet's top half.

The blond tucked the brunet in. He gave Dave a warm genuine smile. Dave blushed even more. He really adores Kurt's smile.

He couldn't help but smile in return.

Kurt plopped himself, right next to Dave. Smiling happily at the brunet. But Dave noticed something in Kurt's blue eyes.

The feeling of love. It's sparking. Very enticingly intense love in those blue eyes.

Dave returned the look. Even his pupils dilated a little bit as he stared into Kurt's cerulean eyes.

"Your eyes," Dave whispered. "They're so pretty."

Kurt felt his face get all warm and rosy.

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now