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"Hon...?" Dave trailed off once he reached the bathroom door. He heard the sounds of snipping and crying.

Confused, Dave opened the door. To reveal Kurt bawling his eyes out and messily cutting his hair.

"Kurt! Stop!" Dave gasped as he went over. He stopped Kurt's hands. The scissors fell to the floor.

Kurt's hair is cut unevenly. He hides his face into Dave's neck.

Seeing Kurt in so much pain, it broke the drummers heart. He raised a hand up and started to soothe the frontman.

"Shh.." Dave cooed. The two slide down to the floor. Kurt kept his face hidden into Dave's neck. His saltwater tears dampening Dave's skin.

"You're okay." Dave whispered. Kurt whimpered. His chest heaving up and down as he shakily muttered. "Im not good enough..for anyone."

"Hey." Dave spoke. Lifting Kurt's head up. He held Kurt's face in his hands. Kurt held his tears back.

"Listen. Don't speak. Just listen." Dave comforted. Kurt sniffled. "Let's take some deep breaths, and calm down..okay?"

Kurt nodded a little. He takes a few deep breaths. Just like Dave instructed.

"You're doing so well..I'm so proud of you." Dave softly spoke as Kurt exhaled slowly.

He looked much calmer than before.

"I'm so sorry." Kurt apologized. Dave brushed his thumbs into Kurt's tear stained face.

"No, it's alright. It's okay. I'm not mad at you. You're just in a lot of pain..I'll help you. I'm here. Yeah, I may have been feeling jealousy between your previous relationship..but that's over. I felt this way, because, I knew she was hurting you. I didn't know how she was, but your eyes..they told the story. Showing so much pain, even now.. I can see it in your eyes, you just want somebody to truly love you."
Dave poured his heart out. Staring directly into Kurt's pained blue eyes.

Kurt let's out a soft whimper. Tears rising up into his eyes again as he hides his face into Dave's shoulder.

He cried into it.

Dave held Kurt close. Rubbing his crush's back and comfortingly holding him.

"Shh...shhh.." Dave cooed as his hand started to pet Kurt's now–shorter–hair. After a few long minutes, Kurt lifted his head.

He wiped his eyes with his cardigan sleeve. Dave stared into Kurt's facial expression with love and concern.

"Are you okay, now? Sweetheart?" Dave asked. Kurt sniffled and nodded his head.

"Mm, fine." Kurt mumbled.

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