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Dave brought the blanket over Kurt and covered him up. Feeling suddenly cozy and tired, Kurt yawned again.

"Let me go shut the curtains so it's darker in here." Dave acknowledged to his boyfriend.

Kurt nodded in agreement. His eyes feeling heavy and sleepy now. He rolled over on his side. "Mkay.."

Dave pecked Kurt's cheek as he gets off the bed. He walked over to the window. Shutting the curtains so the bedroom gets much darker.

The frontman felt his eyes close once the room gotten darker. He sighed relaxed.

Feeling the bed dip, Dave got back into bed. The room is now black in darkness.

But their eyes are adjusted to the darkness. So they can see each other perfectly fine.

Dave wrapped his arms around the blond. Kurt shifted. He rolled over. His head laying onto Dave's bare chest.

The drummer started to play with Kurts hair. Watching his boyfriend with love and admiration.

"You're tired..aren't you?" Dave whispered. Kissing Kurt's cheek softly. Kurt hummed softly in reply. "Mhm."

Kurt's eyes are still shut. Feeling himself falling asleep. Dave noticed and chuckled softly.

He held his boyfriend close. Leaving sleepy kisses to the blond's neck. Kurt let's out a little whine.

"Oh? Sorry baby." Dave whispered as he stopped. Kurt forced himself to open his eyes.

"Can we spoon..?" Kurt sleepily asks. His voice heavily raspy and slurred from immense exhaustion.

"Of course baby." Dave replied, keeping his voice low. Kurt smiled as he rolled over.

Dave wrapped his arms around the smaller frontman. His barechest lightly pressed against Kurt's back.

"Hey baby?"
Dave muttered.
Kurt hummed in reply.
On the verge of falling back asleep.

"I love you, so much."
Dave says. He kissed Kurt's cheek.
Kurt began to smile as he replied.
"I love you too, hon."

The couple held each other close and fell asleep.

♡The end.♡

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