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"Oh sure man, what's up?" Krist asks on the other line of the phone. Dave coughed for a moment.

"How do I..tell Kurt?" Dave asks. Glancing at the stairway to make sure Kurt wasn't back. Thank goodness he wasn't.

Dave heard laughter from the other line. "Oh Dave!" Krist beamed into the phone.

"It's really not that hard man, besides..didn't you confess to him already?" Krist asks.

"Well, yes and no." Dave replied. He cleared his throat. "The first time, I just lashed out. I was in a fit of jealousy from Courtney when she was here..then. I don't think he took it very serious. since I was pissed. So,–"

Dave paused, glancing at the stairs again. Kurt still wasn't there. He sighed in relief as he continued.

"..So, after that whole incident, he told me he has feelings for someone else." Dave finished glumly.

Krist bursted out laughing on the other end. Dave groaned. "Krist! This ain't funny! My heart is breaking over here!" He exclaimed into the phone.

His heart beginning to ache once he brought this up once again. Krist calmed his laughter.

"Oh, Dave. You're just oblivious as him." Krist acknowledged. Dave is confused. "What?"

Krist sighed as he spoke into the phone with calmness. "Well, think about it. Kurt says he has feelings for somebody else. Yes?"

"Yes." Dave replied.

"C'mon Dave! Think! He hasn't been seeing any women. He's mostly been hanging out with you. Is he more happy around you? Has you looked at you 'funny'?" Krist asks.

Dave laughed a bit. His cheeks started to warm up. "Well yeah, he's been much happier.. I even took a stroll with him and gave him a piggyback ride. And what do you mean  'funny'?" He questioned.

Krist groaned. "You know, lovey-dovey eyes?" Dave blushed as he started to think.

"You know.. yeah." Dave replied.

Suddenly he heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs. Dave quickly cleared his throat.

"Well Krist, what time are you coming home?" Dave asks, swiftly changing the subject.

Krist kaughed softly. Having a hunch that Kurt came down the stairs and/or entered the room.

Kurt is wearing a few layers on his top half and his pair of plaid PJ bottoms. The revealing top layer is a plain black knitted sweater. 

He is hugging his stomach one arm. He looked in pain. His blue eyes expressing tiredness and hurt.

"Ahh, coming home tomorrow. Early morning, kinda want to sleep on the couch - there.. Confess to Kurt, Dave. I believe in ya." Krist added the advice at the end. Thankfully the phone wasn't on speaker.

"Yeah, yeah. Will do. See you soon." Dave quickly responded before he hangs up. Noticing Kurt's pained expression.

"What's wrong, Kurty?" Dave mumbled once he hanged up the phone.

He walked over and wrapped an arm around Kurt. Suddenly Kurt felt an intense pain in his stomach as he cried out.


"Okay, okay. It's okay. Davey's here.." Dave reassured as he carefully walked with Kurt to the living room.

"My tummy hurts.." Kurt cried out in pain. Dave sighed as he realized Kurt is using one arm to hug his own stomach.

Dave rubbed Kurt's shoulder. "Let's get you laying on the couch, first ..okay?"

Kurt nodded his head timidly.

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