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Dave watched Kurt go. His brown eyes traveling and following the blond before Kurt disappeared up the stairs.

He sighed and gets up. Carrying his bowl to the sink and started to wash his dish. Krist gets up too.

"He probably just needs to sleep it off for the night." Krist reassured to the drummer. Patting his friend's back.

Dave shuts off the sink. "Yeah, I know. I'm gonna give him space for the rest of night." He replied. Curling some long dark hair behind his ear.

Krist nodded. "Sounds like a good idea...im gon' hit the hay too. I'm tired. You don't stay up to late." He acknowledged to the slightly shorter drummer before heading up to his room as well.

Dave looked up at the clock. It read 2:30AM. "Man, it's fucking late." He mumbled.

Whistling a little bit, he walked over to the fridge and opened it. His brown gaze looking at the contents inside.

He picks up a bottle of alcohol from inside and then shuts the fridge door. Walking himself to the living room.

Picking up the remote, he popped open the bottle. The TV quietly playing in the background.

Dave lazily watched whatever show was currently on. Raising the bottle to his lips and taking a few sips.

This continued to go on for about an hour or so. The drummer is now leaning back on the couch. The bottle empty.

His legs extended out. Hands loosely placed in his lap. His brown eyes tiredly watching TV. The clock read 3:44AM now.

Knowingness, Dave is going to regret staying up this late. Suddenly Dave heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.

Sitting up, the drummer looked over at the stairway. To witness a bit of blond hair disappearing into the kitchen.

His heart skipped a few beats. His lips curled up into a smile. He gets up. Picking up the empty bottle.

He strolls himself into the kitchen.

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