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A few weeks have passed. Everything seemed to be normal. Currently the couple are making out on the couch.

Dave is watching them, again. Mostly his face his hidden by the new magazine he has in his hands.

Krist's hazel eyes are glued to the TV. Scratching his scruffy beard for a moment before shifting his gaze.

He looked over at Dave. Seeing the jealousy in those brown eyes. He held back a chuckle before looking at the TV.

Kurt pulled back from his girlfriend's affectionate kisses. Recently, these past few days - Courtney has been treating him with kindness.

He is confused. They were just fighting a few weeks ago. Courtney laughed and wrapped her arms around Kurt's neck.

Dave glanced down at the magazine pages. Making sure he isn't caught staring. Feeling the jealousy, and rage for the woman.

Yet he kept it bottled up.

"You're pretty." Kurt mumbled as he looked at Courtney with love. Courtney giggled and kissed Kurt's cheek. "Oh, thank you dearest."

Dave scrunched up his face. 'No, she isn't. She is a spawn from hell.' he thought to himself. Grunting softly in anger.

Suddenly the phone rang. Krist jumped up and went into the kitchen to answer it.

"Hullo-?" Krist spoke into it. It's nirvana's producer. Krist listened with intent as his hazel eyes shifted to the calendar.

"No......we didn't forget." Krist nervously laughed as he noticed the date is circled. Big bold letters saying, "Performance: Olympia College.-1991."

"Oh shit! That's today?! Yeah, yeah...didn't forget. Right, we're good. Heeeheee." Krist's voice cracked at the end as he slammed the phone down. Hanging it up.

"Kurt! Dave!" Krist exclaimed as he entered the living room. Courtney groaned as she pulled back from the kisses she is sharing with her boyfriend.

Kurt looked up at the tallest male that entered the room. "What?" He croaked out. Licking his lips to moisten them.

Dave lifted his gaze from the magazine. Looking over at Krist. "Huh?" He asked.

"We have a concert, today." Krist replied. Trying to stay calm. Kurt's eyes widen.

Courtney laughed and kissed Kurt's jawline. "I think he forgot....Krist." she trailed off as her lips went to Kurt's neck. Leaving affectionate kisses there.

Kurt's hand went up and rubbed Courtney's back as he spoke to Krist. "Are you sure, that's today? I swear..that was next week."

Krist shakes his head. "No, dude. Today. At seven."

Dave glanced at Courtney and rolled his eyes. "What's the time?" He asked. Kurt cleared his throat. His hand leaving Courtney's back, he checks his watch.


Suddenly all three froze up. Courtney pulled her lips off of Kurt's neck. A hickey was marked there.

"We gotta, GO-" Dave panicked as he sprinted up. "I'll get the van started!" Krist hollars as he picks up the keys from the coffee table.

Kurt laughed softly. He started to get up but Courtney grabbed his wrist. A small whine in pain came out of the blond man.

Dave and Krist are nowhere to be seen now, since they're packing up for the performance.

"What, babe?" Kurt mumbled as Courtney stood up. She pulled Kurt into a kiss.

Kurt softly returned the kiss and pulled back. "I'll be back. You're alright with staying here..?" He mumbled softly on her lips.

Courtney smirked. She has a plan up her sleeve. "Yeah, I'll be okay." She replied.

Kurt picked up another layer from the floor. His dark green cardigan and slipped it on. Converse shoes placed on feet.

Secretly behind Kurt's back, she has been seeing another man. Kurt has no idea. That's why Courtney is being more affectionate and sweet.

"You sure?" Kurt asks. But suddenly got startled by the van honking from outside.

"Shit, I have to go." Kurt realized as he pecked Courtney's lips. "I love you." He says as he started to walk to the door.

"Love you." Courtney bitterly replied. Kurt exits the house and walked out to the van.

He gets into the back, slamming the van door shut. "Is my guitar in the back?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's in there." Dave replied as he checked the little mirror. Eyeing Kurt with love.

"Cool..." Kurt trailed off.

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now