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"You want me to stay..?" Kurt asks. Dave nodded. "Please. I need you." He pleaded.

Kurt sighed. He crawled himself into the bed. He laid next to Dave. The drummer pulled Kurt close.

He held the blond close in his arms. Tucking his face into Kurt's blond hair. Smelling the scent that came off of it.

"I didn't mean for it to come out like that.." Dave's voice cracked. He started to cry again.

Kurt placed his hands softly onto Dave's shirt covered back. Gripping the soft material in his hands.

"You're just worried about me. I know." Kurt replied. Dave lifted his head.

"Do you still love her?" Dave asks. Staring deeply into Kurt's eyes. There is a heavy pause.

Kurt eventually shakes his head. "No. I love someone else." Dave widened his eyes. Feeling oblivious, his heart began to ache.

"Oh." Dave croaked out. But Kurt didn't go any further. He just smiled at the drummer.

Kurt giggled a little. He used his hand and moved some of Dave's long brown hair away.

"Now, with this out of the way –, please get some fucking rest! It's really late! You've been up all night stressing yourself!" Kurt scolded in worry.

Dave sighed heavily. He rolled over. His back facing Kurt. "Right..but, can you sleep in here with me?" He asked. Staring at the wall with pain in his brown eyes.

Kurt shifted. Laying his head onto Dave's back. "Yeah, I can stay in here. I'm your best friend. I'm here for you."

Dave and Kurt felt both of their hearts ache once those words are mentioned. They wanted something, more.

Even though the drummer spitted his truth out, Kurt was oblivious as well. He thinks those words meant nothing and thought Dave was just having a mental break.

But poor Kurt, he is too naïve. Much to confused on how real love is suppose to be.

Dave reached his hand out and flicked his little lamp off. The room going pitch black.

"Goodnight Kurt." Dave mumbled.
"Night, Davey." Kurt replied.

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now