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"I love you." Kurt replied into Dave's ear. Such a soft and rasped voice.

It left Dave with butterflies sworming his stomach. His heart increased it's beating. A large smile started to grow on his face.

"Me..?" Dave muttered out. Kurt moved his head. Making eye contact with the drummer as he shyly nodded his head.

"It has always been, you." Kurt replied. Dave couldn't help but tear up. He pulled Kurt into a warm embrace.

Holding the blond as he started to cry tears of joy. Kurt tucked his face into Dave's neck. Leaving soft kisses.

"Then why'd you date her...?" Dave cried out. "Did you want me to feel jealousy?"

Kurt started to giggle. He lifted his head. Cupping Dave's face in his hands. He used his thumb to wipe away the drummer's incoming tears.

"Somewhat." Kurt replied. Making the two laugh softly together. Dave rolled his eyes, a smile growing on his face. "You're an asshole."

Kurt bit his lip. "Well let me explain Dave."

Dave nodded his head. Kurt cleared his throat as he explained to the drummer his feelings.

"Well, what I meant by somewhat is that I wanted to be with you either way. But I didn't think you were attracted to men..so, I tried to move on and got with Courtney. I actually loved Courtney. But, I also really love you." Kurt paused as he felt himself tear up.

Dave held onto Kurt's hands. Staring deeply into those blue eyes. He gave a little smile. "Go on." He encouraged.

"I was tongue-tied. My heart was very confused on who I really love. So, I stayed with Courtney. I saw your glares at her. Thats when I realized you were starting to feel jealousy between me and Courtney's relationship. But, I still stayed with her. Cause I was too afraid to break up with her. I didn't want to upset her..." Kurt lowered his gaze.

"..But that's when she started to hurt me. When she noticed that you were becoming jealous. She got more possessive towards me. It even got to the point where she wouldn't even leave the apartment, here...cause she wanted to keep eyes on me the entire time.." Kurt explained.

Dave listened with intent.

"..So like a good person to do, I stayed with her. I didn't want her to feel anxious if I was going to cheat on her with you. Which don't get me wrong, I had some thoughts." Kurt continued, scratching the back of his head.

"..but I couldn't just do that to her. I really loved her then. My heart felt ripped. Like it was pulled between two people. And I was just so fucking confused!" Kurt snapped the last part. Tears rising up into his eyes.

Dave placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder. "Hon, it's alright! What matters is now. Thinks about this for a moment. Courtney just backstabbed you weeks or so month ago with the same exact thing you were thinking about: cheating. She cheated on you first Kurt. Plus with the abusive acts towards you? That isn't love at all, sweetheart.."

Kurt sighed. "Yeah..I guess you're right. I'm sorry, im just feeling so fucking stressed."

Dave wrapped his arms around Kurt. Giving him a soft hug. "Do you really love me?" He asked.

Kurt nods his head. Hiding his face into Dave's shoulder. "Mhm.." he hummed out.

Dave's lips curled into a smile as he rubbed Kurt's back. "Hey Kurt?" He spoke up.

They pulled back from the embrace.

Kurt looked up at Dave. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "huh..?" He muttered.

Dave kissed the blond frontman's cheek.

"I love you too."

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now