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"What?! Of course it matters!" Dave exclaimed. Holding Kurt close to him. Krist started to drive again.

"We're almost home. Soon as we get there, I'm giving her a peice of my mind." Krist informed, anger filling his tone.

Dave held Kurt protectively. Feeling the same rage start to boil in his veins. "Me too, I swear."

Kurt lifted his head. "Guys.. she only does it because she loves me."Dave and Krist scoffed.

"Honey! That's not love.." Dave told the blond. Cupping Kurt's cheeks in his hands.

"It isn't. That's abuse." Krist replied as well. They reached their location. The bassist parked the van.

Kurt scoffed. "You guys are taking it too far..! Really! It doesn't even hurt me!" He tried, but his eyes told a different story. So much pain can be seen in them.

Dave brought Kurt into a hug. Holding him close as Krist gets out of the van first.

"C'mon, let's go in." Dave mumbled. He opened the door. The two separated from the hug.

Krist was already walking up to the porch. Dave and Kurt got out of the car. They followed the bassist.

"It's not that bad! Really!" Kurt tried again, but the two aren't listening. Krist opened the door.

Kurt, Dave, and Krist entered. Kurt froze. Seeing his girlfriend that he loves so much, making out with another man on the couch, nude.

Courtney pulled back from the kiss once she noticed the men walking in. She gasped and picked up the blanket that was on the couch. She wrapped herself in it.

Dave and Krist stared at the woman in disgust and rage. Kurt felt tears fill up his eyes. His heart broke. Then and there.

"What the fuck?!" Kurt shouted out. The other man is panicked. He is quickly getting dressed.

"I'm coming with. Don't worry." Courtney replied to the man. Making him nod his head and run out of the house.

Getting herself dressed, she picked up her clothes from the floor. Krist and Dave balled their fists in anger.

"How could you do that to him?!"
"How could you do that to him?!"

They both shouted in sync.

Kurt is left frozen. Standing in place with tears rolling down his face. Courtney finished getting dressed.

"Oh shut the hell up!" Courtney shrieked at the two. Dave barred his teeth as he yelled. "NO! Kurt really loves you! And you just threw him out! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Kurt suddenly shouted out. "I fucking loved you! I loved you! How the fuck could you do this to me?! How the fuck could you?!" He cried out.

"Fuck off!" Courtney bellowed as he walked over. She smacked Kurt's face. Making the blond hold his cheek.

Dave and Krist immediately went all protective. They got all up in front of her face. Especially Dave.

They both narrowed their eyes towards the woman.

"Get out." Dave sneered. Courtney scoffed. "Planning on it." She shoved Dave.

Krist pointed his finger to the door. "GET OUT." He shouted. Courtney flipped the bird at the men and left.

She slammed the door.

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