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Kurt suddenly sits up. He sighed heavily. Dave noticed and looked over. "You okay baby?" He asks.

"I'm fucking hot!" Kurt snapped as he takes the blanket off. Dave started to chuckle. "You really are." He teased.

The frontman rolled his eyes. "Thanks." He sarcastically replied before getting out of bed.

"I'm gon' change into a dress..much more free and comfortable to sleep in." Kurt muttered. Yet his boyfriend heard.

Dave felt his face warm up. A small smirk rises onto his face. "Change into a pretty one.." he replied, making Kurt chuckle.

"I think I have a dress in mind." Kurt mumbled as he stretched his arms. Dave bit his lip once he heard this.

"Go on then!" Dave encouraged, but he added. "I'll wait in here. You can go change in your room." He said, so he can respect his boyfriend's boundaries.

Kurt nodded his head and left Dave's bedroom. Leaving the door opened. The blond walked down the hall.

Entering his own bedroom and lightly shutting the door so he can change.

Meanwhile with Dave,

The drummer feels so happy. He's been wanting to have Kurt be his boyfriend for a very long time.

Now, with their relationship becoming in bloom, he felt gleeful. He is currently laying on his back.

Staring at his ceiling. His hands calmly resting on his chest. But suddenly he heard soft footsteps approaching his room.

Dave's brown eyes flicked towards the door. It opened further to reveal Kurt wearing a black colored dress with a lace white collar.

Kurt felt himself start to blush more. He gripped the ends of his dress. Starting to feel nervous.

Dave sits up in the bed. A smile growing on his face once Kurt has entered the room.

"That's such a beautiful dress on you!" Dave complimented as he held his hands out. "Cmere baby! Let Davey have a closer look!"

Kurt felt himself starting to feel much more confident in the dress now. As he rushed over and jumped onto the bed.

Dave caught him and held Kurt close on his lap. "My, look at you! You're so cute!" He complimented out of love and adoring feelings.

Kurt started to laugh. Smiling as he tucked his face shyly into Dave's neck. "thank you." He muttered into the brunet's skin.

Daves hands traveled around the dress. Feeling the fabrications of the black dress. It hugged Kurt's frame very well.

Kurt lifted his head. He watched Dave's hands as he started to giggle. "What?" He mumbled.

"Oh nothing, baby..just having a closer look." Dave huskily whispered in reply as he eyed Kurt up and down.

Kurt lightly shoved Dave down on the bed. Now straddling himself on Dave's lap.

The drummer felt his face heat up with a bright red blush. His brown eyes watched his boyfriend's actions.

The blond frontman bit his bottom lip as he smirked at the drummer. "Better view?" He asked teasingly.

Dave nodded his head dorkishly. A large grin on his face. "Uh-huh." Kurt rolled his cerulean eyes as he leaned his head down.

"Kiss me, Davey." Kurt whispered as he bit his lip. The crisp cloudy dark blue morning light radiating into the room.

Dave leaned his body up and placed his lips softly onto Kurt's. The blond frontman returned the kiss passionately for a moment.

Then, the couple slowly pulled back. Kurt giggled as he got himself off of Dave.

He yawned and rubbed an eye. But before he could say anything. Dave grabbed Kurt by the waist and pulled him down.

From the quick movement, Kurt's hair swayed as he is placed onto the bed. Laying flat on his back with Dave's arms around him.

Kurt started to laugh once he got pulled down. He looked up at Dave with love.

With respect, Dave noticed Kurt's dress was a bit pulled up. Revealing the blond's boxers slightly.

He used his larger hand and pulled Kurt's dress down. Respectfully covering the blond so he can be much more comfortable.

Kurt allowed this. Watching Dave's hand movement with a little timid smile.

"Thank you." Kurt mumbled shyly. Making Dave start to smile in return. "Of course baby.  Anything for you." He replied.

He pecked Kurt's lips and picked up the blanket. "Want this over you too? I noticed some goosebumps on your legs."

Kurt nodded his head as he replied.

"Yes, please."

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now